Former President Song Kwang-soo meets Park Bum-gye, “Ministry of Justice-Great Sword Dialogue Needed”

Candidate Park Bum-gye, who goes to work while answering questions from reporters

picture explanationCandidate Park Bum-gye, who goes to work while answering questions from reporters

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It is known that Song Kwang-soo, the first prosecutor general of the participatory government, requested the candidate Park Bum-gye, “a dialogue between the Ministry of Justice and the Supreme Prosecutors”.

According to the preparatory group for a hearing on candidate Park on the 21st, Mr. Song said at a meeting with candidate Park recently, saying, “We must avoid a culture where only prosecutors mate and strive to coexist with various members of society.”

The meeting of the two took place at the request of Candidate Park. Candidate Park has been meeting with legal figures in recent years with the intention of “I will respond to public sentiment but also listen to the legal spirit.”

It is also said that Song mentioned the anecdote of apologizing to President Roh Moo-hyun for rudeness of junior prosecutors who took place during a’conversation with the prosecutor’. At that time, Candidate Park was present as the 2nd secretary for civil affairs and attended the’conversation with the prosecutor’.

Candidate Park interviewed in turn with the director of the Judicial Center of the Lawyers for Democratic Society, the best lawyers selected by the Korean Bar Association, and the lawyers dedicated to public elections.

The preparation team said that these attorneys suggested revitalizing the criminal public lawyer system, making the investigation process transparent, reforming the prosecution system centered on the system, and a control tower related to school violence and child abuse.

The criminal public lawyer system is a system that provides defense services to suspects who do not have economic power from the investigation stage. The intention is to expand the system of public defenders who provide defense services during the trial process to the investigation stage.

Candidate Park attended the office of the preparatory group in Seocho-dong, Seoul, and said, “We will consider in-depth research and implementation plans so that the Moon Jae-in government’s state affairs, the criminal public lawyer system, can be implemented.”

Regarding the prosecution personnel above the executive level, he said, “There may be no standards drawn in my mind, but it is a difficult stage to reveal such a position at present.”

Candidate Park Bum-gye, Minister of Justice, answers questions

picture explanationCandidate Park Bum-gye, Minister of Justice, answers questions

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