‘Forced deportation’ Amy, heart of entry, “No entertainment activities, new departure”[MK이슈]

Photo I Star Today DB

picture explanationPhoto I Star Today DB

[매일경제 스타투데이 한현정 기자]

Amy, who was forcibly deported for illegal administration of propofol, stepped on Korean soil after five years. He carefully expressed his feelings, saying, “I don’t believe it,” he bowed his head and greeted him and quietly headed home.

Amy returned home on the night of the 20th on a plane departing from Guangzhou, China. At first, Amy was scheduled to enter the country on the 13th, but departure was delayed for a week due to visa issues.

After stepping on the Korean soil, Amy looked a little more prosperous. Wearing an all-black outfit, a gray shawl, a fur hat, and a mask, she showed up in front of the reporters and carefully bowed her head to say hello.

When asked about his feelings about returning home after 5 years, he said, “I can’t express it in words.” I’m happy to do it,” he said.

About the reason for return, he confessed, “The five years of punishment have ended, I have a desire to be with my family, and I have a desire to start anew.”

When asked about plans for future entertainment activities, I was greatly confused and could not answer. As a result, an acquaintance who helped to enter the country said, “We have no plans.

I will tell you later.”

Amy’s entry into the country was made possible as the ban on entry expired. When Amy was found to have been drugged with Propofol in 2012 and was sentenced to eight months in prison and two years of probation in the court, she wrote a compliance pledge stating that if she broke the law again, she would not appeal even if she was forced to leave the country. He stayed there, but was sentenced to a fine for administering zolpidem in September 2014 during the probation period.

For this reason, in November 2015, he was dismissed at a court of appeal for cancellation of the disposition of the departure order, and he was deported in December of that year and was banned from entry for five years.

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[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
