“For sale 550 million apartments 3 years ago, now chartered 620 million”… Jeonse refugee wants to cry

A real estate agency in Jamsil, Seoul [사진 = 한주형 기자]

picture explanationA real estate agency in Jamsil, Seoul [사진 = 한주형 기자]

Over the years, as the price of jeonse has soared, the number of complexes that are approaching the past trading price is increasing. Due to the limitation that the right to apply for contract renewal cannot stop the market price two years later, more and more tenants are buying apartments.

According to data from KB Real Estate on the 5th, the nationwide apartment charter price jumped 27.7% for three years from 2018 to the present (as of February of this year) (7.33million won → 9.31 million won). The jeonse supply and demand index is also 170.4, making it difficult to find a jeonse house even if you are willing to pay the expensive jeonse.

The jeonse supply and demand index is an index that is surveyed monthly by real estate brokers to determine how much supply is compared to jeonse demand. It is an index that adds the proportion of answers that say it is insufficient, centering on 100 by asking the status of jeonse supply as’lack, adequate, and sufficient,’ and the larger the number exceeds the standard 100, the more responses that the jeonse supply is insufficient. .

Looking at the actual transaction price data of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, it is easy to find complexes where the current jeonse price exceeded the trading price three years ago.

The 59㎡A (10th floor) exclusively for `Eunpyeong New Town Park Seokgogae Hill State Complex 1` in Jingwan-dong, Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul signed a worldwide drug for a deposit of 620 million won. The same housing type of this complex was sold and traded for 555 million won (10th floor) in April 2018, three years ago.

The 84㎡ (15th floor) dedicated to `Jungang-dong Hillstate 2` in Jungang-dong, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, was also sold for 650 million won (15th floor) in January, but the sale price of the same housing type in January 2018 was 455 million won. It was (15th floor).

As the situation arises, more and more tenants are turning to buy.

The sale of apartments in Seoul showed a gradual decline from July after a sharp increase in the June 17 measures last year, but turned to an increase again from October. On the other hand, the rent to cheonsei increased sharply until July, just before the enforcement of the lease law, and then turned to a decline from August immediately after. In December, 9715 apartment rental transactions in Seoul fell below 10,000 for the first time last year.

Eunpyeong-gu S official brokerage official said, “There are customers who are looking for a jeonse house from 6 months before the jeonse expires because there is no rental property,” he said. “As it becomes difficult to find a jeonse house, there are many people who would rather buy a house.”

[조성신 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
