‘For my sister’ Seo Jeong-hee “I want to date a handsome man, even 10 years old and younger are OK”

[매일경제 스타투데이 이다겸 기자]

Actor Seo Jeong-hee confesses her concerns about’love’.

In the SBS Plus entertainment program’You Can Talk to My Sister’, which airs on the 24th, actor Seo Jeong-hee appears in the wake of Christmas, and is expected to catch the eye with honest concerns about dating.

In a recent recording, Seo Jeong-hee said, “I am so unhappy that there is only one man in my life. After the divorce, I asked for someone to introduce me a lot, but no one confessed to dating.”

“It’s been 6 years since I got divorced, but I’ve been on blind date twice. However, he always complimented me when he saw me, and after-sales request did not come even to a man who said he was a fan from a young age.”

When Kim Won-hee asked her ideal type, Seo Jeong-hee said, “I only see my face. “You just need to be handsome”, making the studio a sea of ​​laughter. In addition, “I like younger than older. It can cover up to 10 years of age or younger.”

In addition, Seo Jeong-hee said, “I gained about 6kg to make a sexy body after listening to the advice of my daughter Dong-joo.” On this day, the couple manager, who appeared as a special sister for Seo Jeong-hee, surprised everyone by saying “There is one regret” while listening to Seo Jeong-hee’s tearful dating challenge. Afterwards, the couple manager shocked Seo Jung-hee with unexpected advice.

You can see what the couple managers pointed out in Seo Jeong-hee’s’You Can Talk to My Sister’, broadcast at 9 pm on the 24th.

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Photo lSBS Plus

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
