Flooded in the’bloody’ flood of the Indonesian city… Netizens “Is it a symbol of the end?”

Flooded in the’bloody’ flood of the Indonesian city… Netizens “Is it a symbol of the end?”

Revision 2021.02.07 16:23Input 2021.02.07 16:23

Flooded in the'bloody' flood of the Indonesian city...  Netizens
‘Crimson flood’ in Indonesia’s Pkalongan. Photo Source = McMenangSusilo Twitter capture

[아시아경제 나한아 기자] An Indonesian city is flooded with’bloody’ floods.

According to foreign media such as Social Network Service (SNS) and the BBC on the 7th, a flood flooded recently in the village of Jenggot in Pkalongan, Indonesia.

Currently, on social media, pictures of houses and roads here are being immersed in crimson water.

Netizens who saw this showed reactions such as “Is it synthetic?” “Is it a symbol of the end? It’s scary”.

In response, local disaster authorities said, “The photos and videos spread on SNS are real,” and said, “There was a crimson flood due to dye flowing out of the batik factory, but the color will disappear after mixing with rain.”

Pkalongansi is famous for traditional batik fabrics using beeswax and dyes, and there are many factories and a batik museum.

Due to the recent heavy rain, the dyes in the batik factory have been mixed with rain, and this is what has changed.

When a flood occurs in Pkalongan, it is often mixed with batik dyes. Last month the village was submerged in green water and in the past blue and purple water.

Reporter Na Han-ah [email protected]
