First vaccination country, England, starts to return to daily life… “The blockade is lifted by June”

First vaccination country, England, starts to return to daily life...

[아시아경제 조현의 기자] The UK, the first in the world to be vaccinated against Corona 19, will phase out the blockade by June.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on the 22nd (local time) a four-stage plan with such details in Congress, local media such as the BBC reported.

The first phase, which will be applied from the 8th of next month, aims to resume school and allow two-person gatherings other than sports in outdoor public places such as parks. From the 29th of the same month, outdoor gatherings for 6 people or two families are possible, and outdoor sports facilities will open.

In the second phase, from April 12, general non-essential shops, outdoor pubs, beauty salons, gyms, libraries, museums, zoos, and swimming pools will resume operation.

In phase 3, which takes effect from May 17th, indoor meetings between two households with six or less people will be possible. Restaurants, pubs, theaters, and hotels are open, and performances and sporting events for less than 10,000 audiences are possible.

In four phases, on June 21, all legal regulations will disappear. Businesses that have been banned until the end, such as nightclubs, will resume operations, and restrictions on the number of weddings will disappear.

The UK, which still has 10,000 new cases a day, has released such a roadmap as one in four adults is vaccinated.

It is explained that while the UK government specifically mentioned the implementation dates for each stage, the schedule was not finalized, but the earliest possible date.

Prime Minister Johnson said, “There is no way to a corona-free UK or a corona-free world.”

With the spread of the mutant virus, Britain imposed a third blockade last month. As a result, the number of new confirmed cases, which once reached 70,000, has decreased to 10,000 as of this day.

Reporter Jo Hyun’s [email protected]
