‘First bullpen pitching’ Kingham-Carpenter, catchers “I feel the power of the ball” [거제:캠프노트]

[엑스포츠뉴스 거제, 조은혜 기자] Hanwha Eagles’ new foreign pitchers Nick Kingham and Ryan Carpenter finished their first bullpen pitching.

Kingham and Carpenter played their first bullpen pitching at the subcontract sports town on the 3rd. As it was his first bullpen pitching, he did not pitch his full power, so he did not measure the restraint separately. Both players who threw around 20 balls announced a smooth start, saying that it was “good feeling”.

Kingham, who threw 23 pitches while checking the fastball, curve, and changeup, said, “I felt good for my first bullpen pitching. I threw it with 70-80% strength, not my power, and I threw it for the first time after rest, but I got a good feeling overall.”

Catcher Choi Jae-hoon, who received the ball from Kingham, said, “Even though it was my first pitching, the rotation of the ball seemed to be good. Breathing was good and the fastball power was good. The movement of the changing ball was good. It is still difficult to conclude because it is the first pitching, but it is difficult to make a good enough pitching. I think he can be a player.

Carpenter also played 21 pitches, including fastball, curve, slider and changeup. Carpenter said, “I threw it at 70 to 80 percent, and it was a very good feeling. I matched catcher Hae-Chang for the first time, and I think the start of preparing for the season is very good.”

Carpenter added, “Coach Rosado said,’The season is about two months away,’ but it seems to be saying to relax and do not overdo it because there is still time. I think it went well as planned in the bullpen today.”

Hae-Chang Hae-Chang, who worked with Carpenter, said, “It was my first pitching, but the tip of the ball was good and the power of the ball was felt. The RBI was so high that the angle of the ball looked good, and above all, I felt that the control of all pitches was good. The pitch that seems to be able to pass through as a decision ball is good. There was, but I think it will be better if I breathe in the camp.”

[email protected] / Photo = Geoje, Reporter Kim Han-jun
