Financial consumers file a mobile complaint with the Financial Supervisory Service starting in the fourth quarter

Financial Supervisory Service, financial supervisory digital transformation roadmap presented

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Kim Nam-kwon = As early as the fourth quarter of this year, a plan for financial consumers to file a complaint with the Financial Supervisory Service via mobile will be promoted.

On the 18th, the Financial Supervisory Service presented a roadmap for digital transformation of financial supervision (step-by-step plan) containing these details.

In response to the increasingly complex financial environment, the Financial Supervisory Service established the Financial Supervisory Digital Transformation Task Force (TF) to set up key tasks.

Transformation of a data-driven supervisory system, improvement of financial consumer channels, innovation of digital-based work methods, and enhancement of digital organization capabilities are the four major goals of digital transformation.

Financial Supervisory Service, Financial Supervisory Digital Transformation Roadmap
Financial Supervisory Service, Financial Supervisory Digital Transformation Roadmap

[금융감독원 제공]

First, the Financial Supervisory Service decided to reorganize the unfair trade investigation system and inspection comprehensive information system by actively using big data and artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

We plan to gradually convert to an environment that combines cloud and big data so that documents of past events can be accumulated and a large amount of data can be quickly analyzed.

In order to identify incomplete sales and detect illegal private finance advertisements, it was decided to strengthen the regular monitoring by enhancing the performance of the existing Subtech (supervisor using the latest technology) system.

The Financial Supervisory Service also plans to timely respond to changes in financial consumer trends and signs of abnormalities.

It means that it is reinforcing the analysis of big data collected through civil complaint counseling and social media to detect abnormal signs that can cause consumer damage early.

There is also a way to apply for civil complaints through mobile.

An official from the FSS said, “We are currently submitting financial complaints through the Internet or through the Internet, but we will be able to file complaints via mobile.” “He said.

The FSS’s goal is to create an environment that improves work efficiency by automating simple and repetitive tasks through the introduction of robot process automation (RPA).

The Financial Supervisory Service is also planning to establish a’Digital Innovation Forum’ (tentative name) to share the latest trends with financial companies and digital industry experts and discover a collaboration model.

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