Final’approved’ of the first domestic treatment… “Limited Use”

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Hello everyone?

Although the scientific achievements to conquer Corona 19 are slow, they are moving forward step by step.

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety approved the first antibody treatment in Korea, and a group of experts recommended the approval of the AstraZeneca vaccine on the condition that’over 65 years old is cautious’.

First, the news of the treatment.

The government conditionally approved the use of the first antibody treatment in Korea developed by Celltrion.

Instead, use was limited to patients over 60 years of age or high-risk patients with chronic medical conditions.

First, reporter Ayoung Kim reports.

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Celltrion’s antibody treatment’Rekironaju’ was approved as the first corona treatment in Korea.

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety licensed the use, subject to submission of the results of phase 3 clinical trials by the end of this year.

It is the third antibody treatment in the world after Eli Lilly and Regeneron.

Rekironaju is a mass-produced antibody gene in the blood of a cure through cell culture. In phase 2 clinical trials, the recovery period of symptoms in mild and moderate patients was shortened by 3 days, showing similar efficacy to previously approved antibody treatments.

The targets for administration were limited to mild patients aged 60 years or older or high-risk patients with underlying diseases and moderate-sized adult patients with pneumonia symptoms.


“It is expected that it will be able to contribute to lowering the mortality rate, reducing the burden of treatment in the quarantine and medical field, and lowering the resource input by lowering the morbidity to severe in the clinical field.”

It means that it is the first domestic treatment, but its limitations are clear.

There is also concern that when used in severely ill patients, it may be even more harmful due to the immune response.

[방지환/국립중앙의료원 중앙감염병병원운영센터장]

“It can be more theoretically dangerous in times when the body is damaged by an immune reaction, that is, when it becomes severe.

In addition, the price is high, and as if you were fit with Ringer, you should dilute the amount according to your weight in 250 millimeters of fluid and receive an intravenous injection for 90 minutes.

The quarantine authorities said, “We are also experimenting with treatment effects on the UK and South African mutant virus. We will be able to confirm the results next week.”

This is Ayoung Kim of MBC News.

(Video coverage: Kwon Hyuk-yong / Video editing: Shin Jae-ran)

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