(Female) Children Sujin victims of abuse “Securing additional witnesses and testimonies…

[매일경제 스타투데이 김소연 기자]

The victim’s side, who allegedly suffered school violence by a girl group (female) children, refuted Sujin’s position.

Sports trends on the 21st are ‘[단독] Sujin victim of abuse “It is different from the fact of the entrance statement… There is additional evidence’ reported an article under the title. The article contained the story of the victim A’s attorney, Haeul, Chu Saeah, a legal representative.

Through an interview, attorney Chu said, “I saw the position of Sujin and the agency, but there are many differences in the facts.” Said.

Attorney Chu said, “At the time of the first meeting, Sujin and the agency said that the victim did not want to arrange a meeting with the agents, but this is also not true.” The agency’s legal team requested a meeting in the message of the agency and her sister B, released by Mr. A, but Mr. B said, “The victim does not want to meet (the legal team). The perpetrator does not acknowledge nor apologize properly. In one state, the person in charge of (Soojin’s side) is not the person involved, so will the victim really want to meet him?”

Attorney Chu also explained that “the company suggested the complaint with a red flag, but it is really speechless for us,” he said, and that he is planning to take legal action.

In addition, he said, “Other evidence, such as additional witnesses and testimony, has been secured.”

Earlier on the 19th, Sujin and Sujin’s management company Cube Entertainment released their positions. The agency said, “On the 19th, we filed a complaint against all the spreaders of false information including the first publisher, and against the bad guys through the Gangnam Police Station,” and Sujin criticized Mr. A’s claims through a long text.

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Photo| Star Today DB

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
