FBI Director Ray, who was only in Trump’s eyes, survives

White House “New Ray”… FBI “positive interaction”

FBI Director Christopher Ray is speaking at the Senate Homeland Security and Political Affairs Committee hearing in September last year. AP Yonhap News

U.S. President Joe Biden kept the promise he made when he was elected. It was decided to retain the FBI chief, Christopher Ray, who had been in a dire crisis outside the eyes of former President Donald Trump.

A senior White House official told CNN on the 21st (local time) that it was a sign of trust in the head of the FBI with more than six years left in office, and that President Biden’s intention was to remain. White House spokesman Jen Saki also posted a post on his personal Twitter account, saying, “President Biden intends to continue taking office to Director Ray, and he shows confidence in his work.”

Ray, appointed by former President Trump in June 2017, is on the verge of being expelled during the 2020 presidential election. During the presidential election, he faced opposition to President Trump’s claim that “mail voting is a fraud.” President Biden’s second son Hunter’s Ukrainian scandal was not investigated, which provoked President Trump’s anger.

It is unclear whether President Biden actually mentioned Ray’s stay, according to Congressional media The Hill, but expected to fill the remaining term. FBI officials also told the media that “all interactions with the Biden administration are very positive,” putting weight on the possibility of retaining.

Intern Reporter In-seo Lee

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