Fatherland “At least Yun Suk-yeol Yoo Seung-min and Kwak Sang-do should be grateful for the literary and literary writings…

On July 8, 2019, the then candidate of Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol closes his eyes and contemplates at a personnel hearing held at the conference hall of the Legislative Judicial Committee in Yeouido, Seoul on the 8th. © News1

Former Justice Minister Cho Kook held the arms of Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, former lawmaker Yoo Seung-min, and Kwak Sang-do and admonished that “people should know how to thank President Moon Jae-in and passport for granting their wishes.”

On the 28th, former Minister Cho reminded him of the fact that “President Seok-yeol Yoon answered’very desirable’ to the new proposal of the investigation office after separating the investigation prosecution at his personnel hearing.”

It also added that “Rep. Yoo also made a pledge to separate the investigation prosecution and establish a new investigation office during the Barunfuture Party presidential election, and Rep. Kwak Sang-do representatively proposed a bill to separate the investigation prosecution and establish a new investigation office.”

He pointed out that “there is no criticism in the media and the prosecution for this move, but when the Democratic Party and the Open Democratic Party try to realize this’separation’ bill, which was the presidential election pledge of President Moon Jae-in, they are criticizing and frantic.

In response, former Minister Cho demanded that “Yoo Seung-min, Kwak Sang-do, Yoon Seok-yeol, etc. should be grateful for this practice, even if no one else knows it,” and demanded that they shout out loud, “It is desirable to establish a new investigation office, I agree.

Earlier, Rep. Kwak Sang-do responded to the criticism of former Minister Cho, saying, “The’Severe Crime Investigation Agency’ in the passport and the Investigation Agency bill initiated by me are fundamentally different bills.” (The prosecution’s direct investigation area and the police investigation area) are intended to provide convenience to the public so that they will not be investigated twice,” he refuted.

In other words, when the Severe Crime Investigation Office is established, there are four investigative agencies, including the police investigation headquarters, the airlift, and the prosecution, causing confusion among the people. He said it meant to do.

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