Fast and Furious? The reason why 2778 people flocked to the 425km Olle Trail…

Olein walking around Jeju Olle. [사진 제공 = 제주올레]

picture explanationOlein walking around Jeju Olle. [사진 제공 = 제주올레]

In a word, it is the Corona side of’Fast and Furious’.

In the past year when all the people were depressed due to Corona 19, it was found that there were only a lot of Korean people who overcame Corona Blue by completing the Jeju Olle Road.

According to data recently released by the corporate judicial corporation Jeju Olle (Chairman Suh Seong-suk), the number of oleins who completed all 26 Jeju Olle trails (total length 425 km) in last year was 2778.

This is a 71% increase from the 1624 runners who completed in 2019, just before the Corona 19 crisis.

Particularly eye-catching is the number of young people in 2030 to finish. In 2019, there were only 268 finishers in 2030, but in 2020, it more than doubled to 539.

It is an analysis that finding a job was difficult and even meeting with friends became unnatural, and he went down to Jeju, a safe zone, and relieved stress on the Olle Trail.

◆ 2030 “I walked to gain a sense of accomplishment”

What is the reason why the number of generations in the 20s and 30s who walked on the Olle Trail increased?

According to a survey conducted by Jeju Olle, a corporate judicial group, to complete the Jeju Olle, the primary motivation for the youth to complete the Jeju Olle was “to get a sense of accomplishment after a challenge (64.3%, multiple responses).” Song Ji-hoon, 29, who works on YouTube video filming, said that at some point, he felt a limitation in his work and needed a new challenge, so he started walking the Olle Trail last year.

Song laughed, “After completing the Jeju Olle Trail, I gained confidence that I can do anything.” Many finishers cited the joy of traveling to Jeju (55.7%), self-reflection and reflection (49.6%).

They also go to the Jeju Olle Trail for a new beginning (40.9%) and rest and health recovery (38.3%). In particular, the reason that the number of young runners was able to increase significantly last year was that young people had the opportunity and time to complete the Olle Trail due to Corona 19.

Choi Min-jung (26 years old) said, “The time came unexpectedly due to Corona 19. So I walked on the Olle route, but it was time to look back on myself and peace in my mind with nature, scenery and beautiful birdsong that I had not seen and felt before.” He revealed his feelings of completion.

Moon Se-woom, 30, left the company to travel around the world, but due to Corona 19, he had no choice but to postpone his world travel. Mr. Moon said, “Thanks, I was able to have a valuable experience of completing the Jeju Olle Trail.”

Jeju Olle Trail is gaining popularity again in the Corona era. [사진 제공 = 제주올레]

picture explanationJeju Olle Trail is gaining popularity again during the Corona era. [사진 제공 = 제주올레]

◆ Discovering hidden beauty in every corner of Jeju is also fun

What is the biggest attraction that those who went to Jeju Olle to complete the Jeju Olle Tour for the purpose of achieving the joy and challenge of Jeju travel while walking the road?

Most of them cited the beauty of Jeju and the pleasure of traveling around Jeju. When asked what they liked while walking the Jeju Olle, the young runners learned that’they were able to see the beautiful scenery of Jeju (90.4%, multiple responses)’ and’I knew every corner of Jeju that I didn’t know (73.9%)’. Highly rated.

Six out of ten said that it was a time to heal and think (66.1%) and to taste a sense of accomplishment through challenges (60.9%). When asked to point out what has changed after the completion of the race, 72% (multiple responses) answered that they received mental healing and healing, and when the response that they developed a feeling of gratitude and increased self-love and self-esteem, most of the runners achieved mental performance Appeared.

Since the satisfaction is high, the willingness to try again is also high.

Nine out of 10 young runners (92.2%) said they would definitely go on a trip to Jeju Olle again. Kim Deok-man, 33, said, “I’ve been tired of working in service industries such as flight attendants and hoteliers since my 20s, but as I met new relationships through Olle Road, I felt a little happiness and got the driving force to live harder again.” Kim Min-gyo (23 years old) expressed an opinion that’I hope that everyone who hasn’t tried or achieved something until the end, becomes increasingly passive, and who lacks self-esteem will gain courage by walking the Olle Trail.

Jeju Olle research expert Kim Hee-kyung, who planned and conducted the survey, said, “Before the corona era, young people chose to travel abroad to escape from the frustrating reality.

However, in a situation where the sky path that would pierce the mind was blocked, they turned to Jeju Olle, a walking tour where you can face the clean nature of Jeju as an alternative. Young runners have confirmed that walking is the perfect way to overcome corona depression and get to know Jeju.”

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