Fashion magazine Vogue gets caught up in controversy over cover photo of Harris’ vice president-elect

Various controversies such as whitewashing and underlevel

Cover photo of US Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, released by fashion magazine Vogue next month. (Photo = Vogue Twitter)

Cover photo of US Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, released by fashion magazine Vogue next month. (Photo = Vogue Twitter)

[아시아경제 정현진 기자] The cover photo of the fashion magazine’Vogue’ showing the appearance of the US Vice President-elect Kamala Harris was caught in various controversies. There are controversy that the skin of Harris-elect, who was elected as the first black vice president in the United States, was adjusted to white like white, and even pointed out that his photograph taken in sneakers is somewhat less weighty.

According to the AP news agency on the 10th (local time), Vogue released a photo of the cover of the February issue on Twitter that day, featuring Vice President-elect Harris. In the photo, Harris-Elect is standing against a green wallpaper with pink curtains, wearing a black suit and Converse sneakers.

Vogue explained that the pink and green colors in the background are the colors that symbolize’Alpha Kappa Alpha’, the oldest black female college club in the United States founded in 1908. Vice-President-elect Harris joined the club in 1986, and he himself revealed in his autobiography that the club had a great influence on his college life.

However, there is a controversy about’whitewashing’ online over this picture. Whitewashing is an expression that refers to the behavior of casting as white actors even for non-white characters in the movie, and is a suspicion that the skin color of Harris-elect was adjusted to white. One Twitter user said, “Harris has the brightest skin color among black women, but Vogue turned the light into a’bad version’,” said the Daily Guardian.

Some point out that the picture itself is not at the level. The overall background of Harris-elect’s clothes and photographs is awkward. “The picture is far below Vogue’s standards,” said Charlotte Klimer, a LGBT activist on Twitter.

Politico, a political media outlet, said, “Many online fans are arguing that they are the first woman to be elected as vice president and deserve a more grand expression of African-Asian Americans.” He said that he showed dissatisfaction with his relatively low weight in Converse sneakers.

Vogue dismissed that it had not corrected Harris’s skin tone to make it brighter. He also explained that he used the Converse shoes worn by Harris during his campaign and felt that it was one of the characteristics of the Joe Biden-Harris administration to have a more comfortable appearance.

However, Harris-elect’s side told the Associated Press that the photo that Vogue had originally agreed to put on the cover was changed without consultation. On this day, Vogue also revealed a picture of Harris-elect, who wore a sky blue suit in front of the gold curtain, and that it was originally supposed to be the cover, Harris-elect said. They explained that they knew that the cover photo had changed only after seeing Vogue’s Twitter post.

When Harris is inaugurated on the 20th, he will become the first woman, black, or South Asian vice president in the United States.

Reporter Jeong Hyun-jin [email protected]
