Farmer Pyeong, a’protective amino acid’ for cows pursuing cost-effectiveness compared to global products… succeeded in developing CJ CheilJedang

High protein milk production possible by giving amino acid new function

▲ Photo 2 Amino acid candidate item prototype


Amino acids are one of the major feed additives used for the purpose of increasing the productivity of livestock. Cows need a supply of amino acids to meet their milk protein synthesis requirements. However, if a general amino acid is added directly to the feed, it cannot be delivered to the small intestine in a complete form, so only a part of the protein is used.
When amino acids are delivered to the rumen, meaning the cow’s first stomach, various microorganisms in the stomach break these amino acids down. Since the decomposed amino acids are resynthesized into ammonia or microbial protein, the amount that can be used is reduced compared to the originally introduced amino acids. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a’protected amino acid’ formulation so that it can be well delivered to the small intestine avoiding microorganisms.
To this end, leading foreign companies have attempted to increase the protein productivity of cows by releasing’protected amino acids’ products that can protect amino acids from ruminant microorganisms. In the case of Korea, there are still no high-functional domestic products, and the imported protected amino acids are also expensive, so their use in dairy farms is limited.
Accordingly, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Technology Planning and Evaluation (hereinafter referred to as’Agricultural Kipyeong’) conducted a study to improve the availability of essential amino acids in dairy cows for the production of milk containing high milk protein for three years from 2016 through the’Agricultural Life Industry Technology Development Project’. As a result of supporting’, we developed a protective amino acid feed additive that can produce high protein milk and reduce feed cost.
CJ CheilJedang’s research team said, “To develop a protective amino acid with high cost-effectiveness, we have succeeded in developing a prototype of a protective amino acid feed additive by selecting essential amino acids that are most effective in increasing livestock productivity.”
The research team said, “The mammary epithelial cells, which are responsible for milk production, were isolated from cows and selected amino acids that can produce a lot of protein. In order to prevent the pre-absorption of these amino acids by rumen microorganisms, organic acids such as acetic acid were applied to provide a protective function.”
When the protective amino acid (tryptophan) developed through this study was fed to cows, the following two results were confirmed.
In the hot and humid summer, the cow’s feed intake decreases and the milk productivity decreases. At this time, the results of ① increase in feed intake and ② increase in milk protein production were confirmed by reducing high temperature stress.

In addition, the product developed through this research is similar in function to the global No. 1 product (coating protected amino acid, bioavailability of about 60%). On the other hand, global products had the potential to cause environmental pollution if the amino acid coating core material was discharged as manure. On the contrary, all constituents (tryptophan and acetic acid) are used as nutrient factors in the body of cows, so they have the advantage of being environmentally friendly.

Oh Byeong-seok, director of Agricultural Machinery Pyeong, said, “By developing a prototype of protected amino acids, it is possible to produce high protein milk and reduce feed costs, thereby improving the profitability of dairy farmers. Furthermore, based on excellent product capabilities in the domestic and global markets, It is expected to lead the related industry.”

[저작권자ⓒ 데일리환경. 무단전재-재배포 금지]
