Faker said that the tears didn’t stop during the filming and everyone else rang

Faker (Lee Sang-hyuk), the world’s best pro gamer,’Roll President’ was hot.

Wave’People Who Buy Time-About Time’

Faker will appear as the second guest in the wave’s original web entertainment’People Who Lives Time-About Time’, which will be released on the 31st. Faker is a pro gamer who is called a legend that has won the world’s three times in the’Rolled Cup’.

On this day, about 2400 people flock to Faker’s time auction. It is said that the auction groups gathered through tremendous competition rate pour a large amount of money as soon as the bidding begins. They have their own stories and write new bid records with the will to meet Faker.

In particular, Faker bursts into tears after hearing the desperate story of a successful bidder. Tears do not stop for a while, making even those at the recording site cry. What made Faker get hot while recording, and the touching story can be found in Episode 2 of’About Time’.

EXO Baekhyun and Kim Heechul,’the leading gamers in the entertainment industry’, soothe the regret of not being able to participate in the seats by phone call. Hee-cheol Kim surprises people by saying that he can pay a blank check if he can meet Faker.

‘About Time’ is the broadcast’s first’time auction’ program to sell the time of the top legends in each field. It was created with the intent to reflect on the value of time while spending unforgettable time with the successful bidder. In the first episode, Yunho Yunho appeared and donated all the winning bids. All the winning bids collected from the Faker side appearing in the second episode will also be donated.

Kang Ho-dong, Lee Soo-geun, and Shin-dong are the MCs.

The second episode of’About Time’ will be released exclusively at Wave at 10 am on the 31st.
