‘Expanding coal and renewable energy’ 9th power plan confirmed… Energy conversion speed (total)

By 2034, 30 coal power plants will be abolished and renewables will be quadrupled.

Reduced to 17 nuclear power plants and excluded Shinhanul 3 and 4

9th Basic Plan for Electricity Supply and Demand (CG)
9th Basic Plan for Electricity Supply and Demand (CG)

[연합뉴스TV 제공]

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Boram Yoon = The 9th Basic Plan for Power Supply and Demand has been finalized, which will drastically reduce coal power generation and increase new and renewable energy by 2034.

The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy announced that the ninth power plan, which included the forecast of power supply and demand for 15 years from 2020 to 2034, demand management, and power facility plans, was confirmed through the power policy deliberation on the 28th.

According to the 9th plan, 30 coal power plants with 30 years of operation until 2034 will be abolished, and 24 of them will be converted to liquefied natural gas (LNG) power plants.

The seven coal power plants currently under construction will be completed as scheduled. Accordingly, the capacity of coal power plants will decrease from 35.8 GW (58 units) this year to 29.0 GW (37 units) in 2034.

In accordance with the principle of prohibiting new and extended life, the number of nuclear power plants will be reduced to 17 units by 2034 after peaking at 26 units in 2022 when Shin-Kori units 5 and 6 are completed.

The facility capacity will be reduced from 23.3GW (24 units) to 19.4GW (17 units) in 2034. Shinhanul Units 3 and 4, whose construction has been suspended due to the post-nuclear power plant policy, are excluded from the power supply source.

The facility capacity of LNG power generation will increase from 41.3GW this year to 58.1GW in 2034, and the capacity of new and renewable energy facilities during the same period will increase by about four times from 20.1GW to 77.8GW.

As of 2034, solar power (45.6GW) and wind power (24.9GW) account for 91% of the total renewable energy. The fuel cell plans to secure 2.6GW by 2030.

According to this plan, the composition of facilities by power source (based on rated capacity) in 2034 will be renewable (40.3%), LNG (30.6%), coal (15.0%), and nuclear power plants (10.1%).

Compared to this year, renewables increase by 24.5%p (points), LNG decreases by 1.7%p, coal decreases by 13.1p, and nuclear power plants decrease by 8.1p.

The Ministry of Industry said that it plans to achieve the goal of 191 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions in the conversion sector by 2030 through the reduction of coal power generation.

This is a 23.6% decrease from 252 million tons in 2017, and the proportion of annual coal power generation is expected to decrease from 40.4% in 2019 to 29.9% in 2030.

The emission of fine dust in the power generation sector is also estimated to decrease by 57%, from 21,000 tons in 2019 to 9,000 tons in 2030.

In the 9th plan, the Ministry of Industry decided to speed up the expansion of renewable energy by raising the intermediate target (cumulative) for solar and wind power in 2025 from 29.9 GW to 42.7 GW.

It plans to supply 62.3GW of new renewable energy facilities (business + private use) by 2034 and increase the share of renewable energy generation to 22.2%.

Power plant composition ratio forecast by 2034
Power plant composition ratio forecast by 2034

[산업통상자원부 제공. 재판매 및 DB 금지]

According to the 9th plan, the maximum power demand in 2034 is expected to be 117.5GW. The target demand combined with the demand management goal and the spread of electric vehicles is 102.5GW.

The average annual increase rate of the maximum power is 1.0%, and it is analyzed that it will slightly decrease (-0.3%p) compared to the 8th power plan according to the decline in the annual average economic growth rate.

The power consumption impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution was not included in this plan. However, the maximum power demand due to the spread of electric vehicles is expected to increase by about 1GW in 2034.

An official from the Ministry of Industry said, “As a result of expert discussions, it was concluded that it is difficult to quantify and reflect it as maximum power due to the uncertainty in the prediction of the type of power use,” he said. “We will review the direction to reflect in the next plan.”

The target facility capacity in 2034 is 125.1GW. This is a figure reflecting the base facility reserve ratio of 22% to the target demand (102.5GW).

To meet this, in addition to the existing facility plan of 122.2GW, a new facility with a scale of 2.8GW is required. The facility is planned to be expanded with LNG and pumped-up power generation.

According to the 9th plan, the Ministry of Industry predicted that there will be no problems in power supply and demand, such as the facility reserve ratio will be maintained at 18% or higher until 2028, and the standard equipment reserve ratio will be able to achieve 22% through the completion of new facilities from 2029.

In addition, the Ministry of Industry and Industry decided to establish a’renewable energy transmission and substation facility plan’ to prevent connection waiting in preparation for the expansion of renewable energy, and to complete the transmission line, substation, and power plant connection line in a timely manner.

It is planning to introduce a price bidding system to reduce costs between power generation companies and environmental dispatch that reflects the cost of emission permits in the cost, while also establishing a market system to cope with the volatility of new and renewable energy such as bidding system for renewable power generation and introduction of auxiliary service market.

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