Even with 4 fingers… Tennis Jones’There is no impossible’

Francesca Jones, a female tennis player with four fingers on each side, is playing a strong serve in the first round of the Australian Open held on the 9th (local time).  [AP = 연합뉴스]

picture explanationFrancesca Jones, a female tennis player with four fingers on each side, is playing a strong serve in the first round of the Australian Open held on the 9th (local time). [AP = 연합뉴스]

Francesca Jones (245th, England), a female tennis player with only 8 fingers and 7 toes, overcame the prejudice.

Jones won Chung Psy Psy (44th place, China) 2-1 in the first round of the singles finals on the second day of the Phillip Island Trophy (total prize money of $235,238) on the Women’s Pro Tennis (WTA) Tour held in Melbourne, Australia on the 14th (local time) 6-2 3-6 6-2). Jeong Psy is the top player who climbed to the 34th place in the women’s singles world ranking, and Jones has won his first WTA singles finals through this day and won his first victory over the top 100 player in the world rankings.

Jones, 21, was born with a rare genetic disorder by nature. Both hands had thumbs, but no other fingers, and only four toes on the left and three on the right.

Jones’ handicap was fatal in tennis, where he had to constantly swing a racket and run. But Jones had an unusual competitive spirit.

Coach Matt McTurk, who coached him for the first time since enrolling in tennis camp at the age of 5, said, “Jones has been a surprisingly competitive player since he was a child.” It burned even more,” he explained. The presence of parents who generously supported Jones through 10 or more surgeries together had a positive effect.

[이용건 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
