Even over 65 years old, AZ vaccine is right… 370,000 people vaccinated from this month (total)

Anaphylaxis respondents decided not to inoculate 2nd dose Air crew members are eligible for the 2nd quarter vaccination

Detailed vaccination plan for the second quarter will be announced next week

The government has decided to inoculate AstraZeneca (AZ)’s novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) vaccine to people over 65. /yunhap news

The government has decided that AstraZeneca (AZ)’s novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) vaccine will be given to people over 65. Accordingly, from this month, workers aged 65 and older among workers in nursing hospitals and nursing facilities, and hospitalized and inpatients, will also receive this vaccine.

On the 11th, the Corona 19 Vaccination Response Promotion Team announced a follow-up plan for the AstraZeneca vaccine. The promotion team confirmed the implementation plan at the ‘6th Vaccination Specialized Committee’ the day before.

AZ vaccine, preventive effect in the elderly… Similar to the Pfizer vaccine

The expert committee reviewed the results of evaluations conducted in the UK and Scotland on elderly people and concluded that the AstraZeneca vaccine has the effect of preventing hospitalization and severe progression of corona19 confirmed patients. Therefore, it was recommended to use the vaccine even for those over 65 years of age.

According to a study published in the UK, it was found that people over 70 years of age are more than 60% effective 28 to 34 days after receiving the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, and 73% after 35 days. In the case of the Pfizer vaccine, 61% of the preventive effects were shown 28 to 34 days after the first vaccination, which is similar. Since the AstraZeneca vaccination interval is up to 12 weeks, the results of the analysis of the effect after the second vaccination and the reduction in the risk of mortality have not been released.

After the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, it was confirmed that the risk of hospitalization in the 70s or older was reduced by 37% when contracted with Corona 19. A study conducted in Scotland also showed that the AstraZeneca vaccine showed up to 94% of hospitalization prevention effects 28 to 34 days after the first vaccination. This is higher than the preventive effect of the Pfizer vaccine (up to 85%).

Based on the results of this deliberation, the promotion team plans to immunize about 376,000 people who are hospitalized, residents, and workers aged 65 or older in nursing hospitals and nursing facilities within this month. The vaccination for those under the age of 65 has been in operation since the 26th of last month.

In addition, considering the supply status and effectiveness of the AstraZeneca vaccine, the schedule for the second vaccination appointment will be changed from at least 8 weeks to 10 weeks. The inoculation interval is adjusted from 8-12 weeks to 10-12 weeks. This reflects the content that the World Health Organization (WHO) Expert Strategic Advisory Group (SAGE) said on the 10th of last month that the longer the vaccination interval of the AstraZeneca vaccine, the higher the effect.

/yunhap news

After the 1st vaccination, the infected person can release the 2nd vaccination after quarantine

The vaccination committee also deliberated on the standards for the second vaccination for those who were diagnosed with Corona 19 after receiving the first vaccination at the previous day’s meeting and those who showed symptoms of’anaphylaxis’, a severe systemic allergic reaction.

It was decided to administer a second vaccination for those who test positive after the first vaccination, but after being released from quarantine. If the confirmed person has received passive antibody therapy, vaccination will be given at least 90 days after treatment. In addition, it was recommended to inoculate at the recommended intervals for each vaccine. In addition, the Commission requested that the vaccination be performed after recovery taking into account the individual’s health condition.

Those who had an anaphylaxis reaction among the first inoculations decided not to administer the second inoculation. This decision was made because there is a lack of evidence that the second-line vaccine is effective for cross-vaccination with a different platform vaccine.

Along with this, the Vaccination Specialist Committee newly included aviation crew members who are subject to self-isolation exceptions, although they often come and go abroad due to the nature of their jobs. This is a decision to prevent the spread of the foreign mutant virus. Accordingly, about 20,000 people, including crew members of international airliners belonging to domestic airlines, are included in the 2nd quarter vaccination target.

Meanwhile, according to the results of the Vaccination Specialist Committee’s deliberation, the promotion team plans to establish a’second quarter vaccination plan’ and announce it next week.

/ Intern reporter Park Shin-won [email protected]

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