Even in sanctions against the US coup… Strengthening Myanmar’s military power

Protesters against the military coup on the 12th in Yangon, Myanda’s largest city, are waving the flag of the National League of Democracy (NLD) led by National Advisor Aung San Suu Kyi. Yangon = AP Yonhap News

The U.S. administration Joe Biden imposed sanctions on the military of Myanmar on the 11th (local time). It has been one day since it approved an executive order for sanctions by the military in Myanmar the day before. The UN Human Rights Council also convenes an emergency meeting on the 12th to discuss a coup in Myanmar. It is an atmosphere where the international community is fully involved in the coup in Myanmar. However, the Myanmar military did not care about this, and began to solidify the power base by pardoning about 23,000 prisoners in prison, including personnel from the military.

According to AFP, the U.S. Treasury and State Department have designated 10 former and current military officials, including Supreme Commander Min Aung Hlaing and Deputy Commander Soe Yun, as the targets of sanctions, and imposed asset freezing and trading bans. Six people directly participated in the coup, and four are members of the Administrative Committee, which was established immediately after the coup.

In addition, three jewelry-related companies, including Myanmar Ruby Enterprise, Myanmar Imperial Jade, and Gem and Jewelry, which are directly or indirectly owned or controlled by the Myanmar military, were also subject to sanctions. Dealing with these companies may result in US sanctions. Measures will also be taken to restrict exports of sensitive items to the Myanmar military or to companies involved in the coup. However, the aid provided by the International Development Agency (USAID) to Myanmar has not ceased and has been decided to switch to civil society support. It also maintains $69 million in support for health, food and independent media.

Finance Minister Janet Yellen said in a statement, “If the Burmese (Myanmar) military does not change direction, we are ready to take further action. If we commit violence against peace protesters, we will find that this sanction is only the beginning. I warned.

The European Union (EU) and the UK also submitted a draft resolution criticizing the Myanmar military to the UN Human Rights Council. It also contained a request for local access from Myanmar human rights investigator Thomas Andrews. According to foreign media, the resolution was lower than the original draft in order to engage China and Russia, which have close relations with the Myanmar military. The UN Human Rights Council held an emergency meeting on the 12th to discuss the coup in Myanmar. Earlier, the UN Security Council had not been able to adopt a joint statement against China and Russia, so it is noteworthy whether an agreement can be reached at this meeting of the Human Rights Council.

Meanwhile, Myanmar’s military pardoned 23,000 prisoners on the 12th. In a statement released through state-run media, Supreme Commander Hlaing said, “In the process of establishing a new democratic state in Myanmar, in order to give joy to the people and create a humanitarian atmosphere, the prisoners are exempted from punishment. It is known that the target of the pardon will also include Wiratu, a far-right monk who opposed the national advisor to Suu Kyi Aung San and supported the military. Wiratu also supported the USDP, which received military support in the 2015 general election. Therefore, it is interpreted that this amnesty is a stone for the military to secure support and to suppress the anti-coup protesters. In addition, suspicions have been raised that the Social Network Service (SNS) intends to expel military supporters from prison and arrest a large number of protesters there.

Kim Pyo-hyang reporter

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