Even if the incentive pay is small… Naver NC average annual salary exceeded 100 million won

Naver and NCsoft surpassed 100 million won in employee salaries for the first time in the internet industry.

According to the 2020 business report released by the two companies on the 16th, the average salary per person for Naver employees was 12.49 million won, and the average salary per NCsoft employee was 15,549,5427 won. However, the average annual salary per person is the amount obtained by dividing the total amount of remuneration, such as annual total annual salary, incentives, and various allowances, by the average number of employees per month, so it may differ from the actual amount received.

In the case of Naver, it rose by about 3% from an average of 9945 million won in 2019 to 12.49 million won, but it received attention because the annual salary of major management has increased significantly. Last year, CEO Han Sung-sook received 3,459 billion won, Chae Seon-ju, Chief Communication Officer (CCO), 2.66 billion won, Choi In-hyuk, Naver Financial CEO, 2.46 billion won, and Park Sang-jin, Chief Financial Officer (CFO), received 2.21 billion won. Founder Lee Hae-jin, Global Investment Officer (GIO), recorded 1.75 billion won. The total amount of remuneration received last year by these five core Naver executives was 12.67 billion won, up 55% from 81.87 billion won in 2019.

In addition, it became more controversial because Naver has frozen incentives this year at the level of the previous year. Lee Haejin GIO also sent an email to all Naver employees on the 12th, saying, “I think that the final winner will be in the fight for compensation with other companies only when the business grows bigger and goes well. He said, “Please trust our management and staff.”

Regarding this, Naver said, “The increase in executive annual salary seems to be large because the performance in 2019 was good, so the increase in the amount of incentives was reflected,” he said. “The short-term performance incentive payment method was changed to once a year, and some executives’ long-term incentive payments were reflected.” said.

NCsoft, which was the first in the game industry to reach 100 million won, had an average annual salary of 86.41 million won as of last year, but as major games such as’Lineage M’increased by about 22%, it became the first time in the internet industry as well as the game industry to step on the 100 million won mark. .

The founder, CEO Taek-jin Kim, was found to have received a total of 18.41 billion won last year, including 2.116 billion won in salary, 16.279 billion won in bonuses, and 19 million won in other earned income. This is the highest amount ever, exceeding about 13.8 billion won received in 2018, the year following the launch of’Lineage M’. It can be interpreted as considering various factors such as achievement of last year’s financial goals, recognition of mobile business performance and expansion of influence, leading development and commercialization of’Lineage M·2M’, and achievements of achieving the 1st and 2nd place in sales simultaneously. NCsoft said, “We provided a total of four bonuses, including short-term performance incentives, special long-term incentives, long-term executive incentives, and special incentives.”

In addition, NC Center Director Seong-gu Lee (Executive Vice President) recorded 4.9 billion won, Chief Financial Officer Yoon Jae-soo (CFO/Vice President) was 4.486 billion won, Senior Vice President Taek-Heon Kim was 4.13 billion Won, and Executive Director Seung-wook Baek recorded the highest annual salary of 3.29 billion won. Followed.

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