European publishing company initiates research on thesis of Ramsay Koreans in Japan… “Serious matter”

European publisher's warning sign to readers of Professor Ramsey's thesis

picture explanationEuropean publisher’s cautionary sign to readers of Professor Ramsey’s thesis

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A famous European publisher who published a thesis by Mark Ramsayer, a Harvard Law School professor justifying discrimination against Koreans in Japan, was belatedly trying to figure out the situation.

On the 23rd (local time), the German publisher Springer said on the website of the European journal’The Problem of Social Capital and Opportunist Leadership: The Case of Koreans in Japan’, saying, “A question has been raised about the content of the paper.” I called for the attention of the readers.

In a warning written in the editor’s name, the publisher said that an investigation into the content of the paper is currently underway, and that “after listening to the clarifications of the relevant people and completing the investigation, appropriate actions will be taken.”

Accordingly, if it is found that Professor Ramsey’s dissertation distorts historical facts and has no basis as a result of the publisher’s investigation, it is expected that even the dissertation cancellation will be considered.

In this paper, Professor Ramzier described the Koreans who came to Japan during the Japanese colonial period as low-ranking workers who could not read, add and subtract.

Professor Ramsey claims that Japanese landlords avoided Korean tenants

picture explanationProfessor Ramsey claims that Japanese landlords avoided Korean tenants

It also claimed that the Koreans were unclean and caused problems such as heavy drinking, fighting, and noise, which led to conflicts with Japanese landlords.

He repeatedly cited arbitrary statistics on the high crime rate of Koreans in the 1920s among articles related to the Great Kanto Earthquake previously published, and then argued that the entire Korean population was criminalized.

In the meantime, after the fall of Japan in 1945, the communist forces took the lead of the Korean-Japanese society and turned the responsibility for discrimination on the Korean-Japanese in the way that they aroused hostility among the Japanese themselves.

Mark Ramsayer, Harvard Law School Professor

picture explanationMark Ramsayer, Harvard Law School Professor

The European Journal of Legal and Economics, which published this paper, was published on the 18th.

Since then, scholars from all over the world, such as Lee Jin-hee, professor of history at Eastern Illinois State University, demanded correction from the publisher, saying that Professor Ramsey’s dissertation not only distorted history but had a racist view.

Accordingly, the publisher informed Professor Lee via e-mail that the publisher would follow up.

The publisher said, “We are taking this issue very seriously,” and promised “we will investigate quickly in accordance with the guidelines of the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE).”

Professor Lee, who raised the issue of Professor Ramsey’s thesis to the publisher, said, “The misuse or distortion of arguments, the justification of racism or crimes against humanity is an unethical publishing behavior.” It can be contradicted.

He added, “Professor Ramzier’s dissertation on history failed as an academic paper on the subject of history.”


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