Europe, where AZ vaccine fell blue, accelerated vaccination… Merkel is right too

‘Thrombosis Investigation’ European Medicines Agency, “Safe and Effective Vaccine”

Concerns about the third spread… Accelerator pedal to resume vaccination in each country

Germany, France, Italy and other major European countries decided to resume vaccination against AstraZeneta’s novel coronavirus infection (Corona 10). German Chancellor Ankela Merkel also announced that he would receive the AZ vaccine on the 19th (local time). ) Stated the position. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) maintained the recommendation for approval, saying that it is a “safe and effective vaccine” as a result of a review on the case of thrombosis after vaccination with AZ vaccine the previous day.

Vaccine experts of the World Health Organization (WHO) positively evaluated the AZ vaccine as “having tremendous potential to reduce deaths,” and urged the use of the vaccine. Among them, France recommended that the drug should be administered only to people over 55 years of age due to concerns about the side effects of thrombosis, and Finland also decided to temporarily suspend vaccination until the 29th when the results of the review of the cerebral thrombosis accident came out.

Prime Minister Merkel “Is going to get AZ vaccine”… Started vaccination of 50,000 gon national hospitals

On the 19th (local time), Prime Minister Merkel announced plans to accelerate vaccination. “The motto is vaccination, vaccination, vaccination,” said Prime Minister Merkel. “It’s time to show German-style flexibility rather than German-style thoroughness.” Germany is planning to increase the speed of vaccination, which is lagging behind other major countries, by starting the corona19 vaccination at 50,000 general clinics nationwide after the 5th of next month, just after Easter. At the press conference that day, Prime Minister Merkel replied, “I will get the AZ vaccine.”

However, only 1 million doses were supplied until early April, so only 20 doses per clinic will be available.

The reason Germany is stepping on the accelerator for vaccination is that it is concerned about the third spread. Looking at the recent rate of vaccine spread in Germany, there is a possibility that a full blockade should be restored. The previous day, the number of new confirmed cases in Germany was 17,592, with 226 deaths a day. Currently, 8.5% of the German population, or 7.09 million people, received the first dose of the vaccine. The second dose was only 3.8%.

German researchers “discovered a treatment method for cerebral thrombosis after AZ vaccination”

In addition, German researchers revealed that they have discovered the cause and treatment of rare cases of cerebral thrombosis after AZ vaccine vaccination.

Andreas Graincher, professor and transfusion department at the University Hospital of Greifswald, Germany, held a press conference on the 19th (local time) and said, “These complications are very rare, but now we know how to accurately target and treat patients. “He said.

According to Professor Grainaher, after AZ vaccine vaccination, patients with sinus venous thrombosis or thrombocytopenia, which are rare cases of cerebral thrombosis, form specific antibodies. This antibody attaches to the protein in platelets. Platelets are important for stopping bleeding in wounds, but they can also cause blood clots, which the researchers explained that these antibodies can activate blood clots without hurting the cardiovascular system and cause problems.

Professor Grainaher emphasized that if there is pain in the leg or strong headache symptoms appear until the 14th day after 4-5 days after AZ vaccine vaccination, seek medical treatment immediately.

The researchers explained that if such symptoms are confirmed, injection of a sufficient amount of immunoglobulin can prevent the development of cerebral thrombosis and treat it.

Italian vaccination resume… “There is no causal relationship with thrombosis”

Vaccination against the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) of AstraZeneca (AZ) was resumed on the 19th (local time) in Italy.

Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) chief executive Nicola Magrini emphasized at the press conference that “it is safe without age restrictions or side effects.” He repeatedly explained that there are no indications of a causal relationship between thrombosis and vaccinated vaccines, which have been reported recently in Europe, which is rare.

A 43-year-old naval agent and a 50-year-old police officer who had previously vaccinated the AZ vaccine in southern Sicily died. In Piedmont, a 58-year-old teacher who was vaccinated died suddenly.

As of this day, the number of new confirmed cases of Corona 19 in Italy per day is 25,000,735, and the number of deaths is 386. Cumulatively, the number was 333,418 and 104,241, respectively.

France and Finland limited resumption or temporary suspension of’careful mode’

However, France and Finland are still cautious.

French health officials recommended that the AZ vaccine should be administered only over the age of 55, as the vaccine was resumed.

The French Higher Health Administration (HAS) said on the 19th (local time) that a report of a blood clot after AZ vaccination in Europe came from under the age of 55, AFP and Reuters reported. As of the 16th of this month, 25 patients who developed blood clotting after AZ vaccination in Europe were confirmed, of which 9 died. They were all under the age of 55 and the majority were women.

HAS Commissioner Dominique Leguilidek said it was a “very rare but serious case,” and recommended other vaccinations approved for use in France, such as Pfizer-Bioentech, Modena, and Johnson & Johnson, for those under the age of 55 until further information came out.

HAS analyzed data provided by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and concluded that AZ vaccination could be resumed immediately, except in this case.

Finland has decided to temporarily suspend AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccination for novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) by at least the 29th of this month on the 19th (local time). To do it.

Finland’s neighbors Norway and Sweden also maintained a position that they would withhold the AZ vaccine for the time being, regardless of the EMA decision. Finland’s suspension will continue until at least the 29th.

Finnish health officials advised those who received the AZ vaccine to monitor the situation, but that these symptoms are very rare.

/ Reporter Kwak Yoon-ah [email protected]

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