Europe faced with’third proliferation’…confirmations and deaths surged after AZ vaccination stopped

Input 2021.03.18 14:11

Signs of a third recurrence in Europe, such as France and Germany, are clear
“I’m busy going”… Population immunity postponed due to discontinuation of vaccination
US Experts “Down Confidence in Vaccines for Health Authority Decisions”

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported that the risk of a tertiary pandemic is growing as AstraZeneca (AZ)’s COVID-19 vaccine has been suspended in countries in Europe. It is explained that the number of confirmed cases and deaths has soared while 16 countries in Europe have declared to stop vaccination due to concerns about vaccination side effects, and to make matters worse, general citizens’ reluctance to the AstraZeneca vaccine has increased.

On the day, Dr. Fabrizio Preglysco, Infectious Studies at the University of Milan, Italy, told WSJ, “As the supply of vaccines has been delayed due to the decision to stop vaccination in each country, hospitalizations and deaths from Corona 19 are rapidly increasing,” said “European Medicines Agency (EMA ), etc. Even if European regulators believe that the AstraZeneca vaccine is safe, the vaccine has already lost the trust of many experts and citizens.”

AstraZeneca’s vaccine, which has reported side effects such as blood clots in each country after vaccination. /Twitter capture

In fact, after AstraZeneca vaccination was stopped, the corona situation continues to worsen in European countries. In France, the Corona 19 virus is re-spreading at a fierce rate. The number of new corona19 confirmed cases in France as of the 17th was 38501, the highest since the second blockade in November last year. The average number of new cases per day in France over the past 7 days was 26,000, and the cumulative number of confirmed cases so far reached 4.15 million.

According to the Robert Koch Institute, which is also a disease control agency in Germany, the number of new corona 19 confirmed on this day was 5,480, an increase of 1228 from the same day a week ago. There were 238 deaths per day. In the last week, the number of new corona19 confirmed cases per 100,000 population rose to 83.7, a higher than the previous week’s 67.5. The number of new corona19 confirmed cases in Germany, which has declined markedly in January-February alone, has recently increased again.

Italy recorded 502 deaths a day, the highest level again in two months, on the 16th, and Hungary also recorded the highest number of deaths each day, and Poland declared a nationwide shutdown until April as the number of confirmed cases increased. The foreign press said that corona 19 showing signs of a third pandemic in Europe is slowing the spread of vaccines, but the emergence of a virus with strong transmission power, such as a mutation from the UK, also has an effect.

Earlier, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) of the European Union (EU) recommended continuing vaccination, saying that even if there are risks such as blood clots after vaccination, which has been controversial, the benefits of vaccination overwhelm them, but Germany, France, Italy, Spain, etc. Four countries with strong influence in the EU have decided to stop vaccination with each other through discussion.

After receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine last week, it was reported that blood clots were formed in the blood vessels, raising concerns about side effects. Currently, at least 16 of the 27 EU member states have stopped or restricted vaccination. EMA is currently investigating cases of serious side effects, but Mr. Cook has not changed his stance on continuing to receive the vaccine.

Meanwhile, infectious science experts in the United States are negatively reacting to the cessation of AstraZeneca vaccination in European countries. “The number of blood clots (reported after the AstraZeneca vaccination) is less than the number of non-vaccinated cases,” said Anthony Pouch, a U.S. epidemic authority. I made it clear that I was thinking.” Dr. Paul Oppit, director of the Center for Vaccination Education in Philadelphia, criticized European countries for stopping vaccinations, saying, “(Stop vaccination) raises awareness that the vaccine is dangerous.”
