Europe also starts vaccinating against coronavirus… “I have a new weapon”


Following the United Kingdom and the United States, member states of the European Union have also begun vaccination. First, medical staff and elderly people get the vaccine first. Accordingly, there is little hope that the war on Corona 19 will soon end in Europe.

This is Park Ji-yoon.


On the morning of the 27th local time, 101-year-old Gertrud Haze was vaccinated for the first time in Berlin, Germany.

[게르트루트 하제/슈테글리츠 요양원 : 좋은 것 같아요. 불편한 게 없어요. 접종은 잘 된 것 같습니다.]

On this day, 9,750 doses of vaccine were distributed to Berlin.

We plan to end vaccinations for nursing homes and nursing homes by early February next year, starting with nursing home residents, one of the most vulnerable.

On the same day, the 78-year-old Morissette was vaccinated for the first time in France.

President Macron tweeted, “We have a new weapon to fight the virus called vaccines.”

On the same day, vaccinations began simultaneously in most of the EU member states, including Spain, Italy and Austria.

[제바스티안 쿠르츠/오스트리아 총리 : 2020년 12월 27일은 역사적인 날입니다. 백신은 게임체인저입니다. 오늘이 새로운 단계의 첫번째 날입니다.]

The 27 member states of the European Union aim to immunize up to 70% of the population with collective immunity.

Medical workers and the elderly will be vaccinated first, and citizens will be vaccinated next spring or summer.

As of mid-December, there were 14 million cumulative confirmed cases in 27 EU countries, and around 336,000 cumulative deaths.

(Video Design: Sunghye Cho)
