Eui-seon Eui-sun reviews next week’s trip to Singapore…Checking the status of the Global Innovation Center

Input 2021.01.20 18:38

Justice line Hyundai Motor Company (005380)The group chairman is considering going to Singapore next week. The first overseas business run after taking office. It has been 11 months since he has refrained from traveling overseas due to the spread of coronavirus infection (Corona 19).

Eui-sun Eui, Chairman of Hyundai Motor Group. /Hyundai Motor

According to industry sources on the 20th, Chairman Chung is expected to visit the construction site of the Singapore Global Innovation Center (HMGICS) as early as next week to check the progress.

HMGICS, which aims to be completed by the end of 2022, is an open innovation base (Open Innovation Lab) that studies and demonstrates the entire value chain of the customer’s vehicle life cycle, from car ordering to production, test drive, delivery and service.

In October of last year, Hyundai Motor Group held a groundbreaking ceremony for HMGICS by connecting the Hyundai Motor Company and Kia Namyang Research Center and Jurong Town Hall in the Jurong area in western Singapore through video. At first, Chairman Chung read a welcome speech in Korea considering the corona situation while trying to attend the groundbreaking ceremony for HMGICS held in Singapore.

HMGICS will be built in the Jurong Innovation Complex, Singapore, with a land area of ​​44,000m2 (about 13,000 pyeong), a total floor area of ​​90,000㎡ (27,000 pyeong) and 7 stories above ground. The Hyundai Motor Group is planning to demonstrate a system where customers can produce and deliver cars immediately with on-demand production technology when a customer signs a car online through a smartphone.

Chairman Chung, who has emphasized’human-centered mobility’, believes that the innovation that will be implemented based on the vision of’human-centered value chain innovation for mobility paradigm shift’ at HMGICS will change the future and contribute to the development of mankind.

It is known that the fact that the discussion for global cooperation cannot be delayed as the change movement of the automobile industry has recently accelerated was an opportunity to consider going to Singapore.
