EU to “take additional action” on reorganization of Hong Kong election system… Chinese threat

© Reuters = News 1

The European Union (EU) suggested possible sanctions as China passed a bill to reorganize the Hong Kong electoral system, which strengthens direct control over Hong Kong, with overwhelming approval at the National People’s Congress on the 11th.

According to AFP, EU foreign policy representative Joseph Borrell said in a statement from 27 countries, “It is very regrettable that the EU is destroying freedom, democracy and political pluralism, which are the centers of Hong Kong’s identity and prosperity, under pressure from the Chinese government. “He said.

They said that the reorganization of the Hong Kong election system would have a significant impact on democracy and political pluralism in Hong Kong.

Previously, the NPC passed the draft’Resolution on Completion of the Hong Kong Election System’ with 2985 votes in favor and one abstention at the 13th 4th Plenary Meeting.

This bill aims to establish a high-level committee to screen candidates for elections, exclude the share of councilors among the electoral corps that elect Hong Kong executive ministers, and expand the scope of legislative representatives. In other words, expanding the Chinese central government’s dominance in Hong Kong is being interpreted as the core of the bill.

The EU has insisted that China’s central government control over Hong Kong should cease in the past. They previously banned the use of equipment by Chinese companies such as Huawei as part of Chinese sanctions.

The EU Foreign Ministers’ Meeting held last month agreed to increase support to the civil society in Hong Kong and strengthen cooperation with the international community to pressure China. It also discussed the possibility of broader sanctions if the situation worsens.

“With this election system reform, the EU will consider taking additional steps,” said Borrell.

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