EU, simultaneous vaccination… “Moment of emotional integration, let’s unite again”

On the 27th (local time) in Cologne, Germany, a woman is getting the Pfizer-Bioentech Corona 19 vaccine.  Most countries in the European Union, such as France, Italy, and Spain, started vaccinations simultaneously on the same day. [신화=연합뉴스]

On the 27th (local time) in Cologne, Germany, a woman is getting the Pfizer-Bioentech Corona 19 vaccine. Most countries in the European Union, such as France, Italy, and Spain, started vaccinations simultaneously on the same day. [신화=연합뉴스]

The European Union (EU), with a population of 450 million in 27 countries, has been vaccinated against the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) in earnest. It has been 6 days since the EU Commission approved the Pfizer-Bioentech vaccine conditionally on the 21st (local time). According to the UK Daily Guardian, the EU is expected to supply 12.5 million doses of Pfizer vaccine to member states by the end of the year.

EU, 27 countries, started in full-fledged vaccination of 450 million people
Macron “new weapon against the virus”
Priority vaccination targets for the elderly and medical staff
Germany creates a mobile team to inoculate nursing homes

EU Commissioner Urzula Ponderairen said on his Twitter on the 26th, “We started turning the pages of a tough year today.” “Corona 19 vaccine has been delivered to all member states.” “Vaccination will begin across the EU from tomorrow.” He expressed his feelings as “an emotional moment of integration.”

On the 26th (local time), the head of the European Union (EU) Commissioner Ursula Ponderien said on Twitter that

On the 26th (local time), the head of the European Union (EU) Commissioner Ursula Ponderien said on Twitter that “vaccine vaccination will begin all over the EU from tomorrow”, saying, “It is an impressive moment of integration.” [트위터 캡처]

On the first day of the COVID-19 vaccination, local media reported in detail the first vaccination and vaccination situation in each country. Most countries, such as France, Germany, Italy and Spain, started vaccination with the elderly, medical staff and residents of long-term care facilities.

On that day, in France and Spain, nursing facility residents aged 78 and 96, respectively, received the first vaccination. In Italy, five medical staff from the Spalanzani Hospital in Rome were the protagonists of the first vaccination.

One of them, Claudia Alibernini, an Italian nurse, 29, said, “Today I am here as a citizen and on behalf of all medical professionals who believe in science. I feel deeply proud and responsible for being vaccinated.” . He added, “(Vaccination) is small, but it is for all of us.”

  Claudia Alibernini, a nurse at the Spalancani Hospital in Rome, Italy, became the main character of the first vaccination in Italy on the 27th (local time). [로이터=연합뉴스]

Claudia Alibernini, a nurse at the Spalancani Hospital in Rome, Italy, became the main character of the first vaccination in Italy on the 27th (local time). [로이터=연합뉴스]

Germany, which is the most prevalent in the EU, started vaccination on the 26th, one day earlier. Ed Kbolchala, 101, who lives in a nursing home in Saxony-Anhalt, received the first vaccine, followed by group vaccinations by other residents and 51 employees.

In Germany, the vaccination mobilization team is vaccinating the elderly living in nursing homes who are difficult to move because of the vaccine. 50 to 80 people are inoculated per team per day, and dementia patients are the priority. The Guardian predicts that it will take about six weeks for 30,000 residents in Berlin to get the vaccine.

At a hospital in Stuttgart in southern Germany, a team of five vaccine activists stand in front of the hospital building.  Germany has established more than 400 vaccination centers, but operates a mobile team for residents of nursing homes with limited mobility. [AFP=연합뉴스]

At a hospital in Stuttgart in southern Germany, a team of five vaccine activists stand in front of the hospital building. Germany has established more than 400 vaccination centers, but operates a mobile team for residents of nursing homes with limited mobility. [AFP=연합뉴스]

Leaders of EU member states also urged vaccinations. French President Emmanuel Macron, who was recently diagnosed with Corona 19 and recovered, tweeted on the 27th, “We have a new weapon to fight the virus. Let’s get it together again,” he wrote.

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said on the day that “today will be forever remembered,” and said, “Starting with the medical staff and the vulnerable, we will increase the number of vaccinations until the virus can be completely eradicated with collective immunity.”

Czech Prime Minister Andrei Babis revealed that he was being vaccinated on live TV. Just before vaccination, he said, “the vaccine is the hope of bringing us back to normal life.” In Greece, the prime minister and the president were vaccinated side-by-side and encouraged citizens to be vaccinated.

Czech Prime Minister Andrei Babishi is receiving the Pfizer-Bioentech Corona 19 vaccine for the first time in the Czech Republic at the Central Military Hospital in Prague on the 27th (local time).  The second vaccinated person is Emily Repicova (95, left), who participated in World War II. [AP=연합뉴스]

Czech Prime Minister Andrei Babishi is receiving the Pfizer-Bioentech Corona 19 vaccine for the first time in the Czech Republic at the Central Military Hospital in Prague on the 27th (local time). The second vaccinator was Emily Repicova (95, left), who participated in World War II. [AP=연합뉴스]

However, not all EU member states immediately entered the vaccination. The Netherlands postponed the schedule to the 8th of next month, saying that the computer system to support large-scale vaccinations has not been maintained. Countries with relatively poor finances, such as Bulgaria and Romania, are also having difficulty distributing vaccines quickly.

The 27 EU member states aim to reach the level of collective immunity by vaccinating up to 70% of the population once. Currently, the only COVID-19 vaccine approved in the EU is the Pfizer-Bioen Tech vaccine, but it will be discussed on whether to approve Modena vaccine on the 6th of next month. Locally, it is predicted that general citizens will be able to get vaccinations as early as next spring and summer.

◇Strict storage conditions… Accident in transit

However, as the vaccine storage and transportation process is difficult, accidents are also frequent. On the 27th, it was revealed that the proper temperature was not maintained in the process of transporting about 1,000 doses of Pfizer-Bioen Tech vaccine in Liechtenfels, Bavaria, Germany.

A box containing the Pfizer-Bioentech Corona 19 vaccine arrived in Rome, Italy on the 26th (local time).  Pfizer vaccine distribution requires a cryogenic'cold chain' distribution system below -70 degrees Celsius. [로이터=연합뉴스]

A box containing the Pfizer-Bioentech Corona 19 vaccine arrived in Rome, Italy on the 26th (local time). Pfizer vaccine distribution requires a cryogenic’cold chain’ distribution system below -70 degrees Celsius. [로이터=연합뉴스]

Pfizer vaccine must be distributed at -70 degrees Celsius cryogenic temperature to maintain efficacy and safety, and the temperature of one box has risen to 15 degrees during the delivery process. One box contains 975 doses of vaccine.

This is not the first case in which vaccination has been delayed due to failure to maintain the proper temperature of the Pfizer vaccine. Earlier, in California and Alabama, the temperature of the vaccine shipping box dropped to -92 degrees Celsius, and 4 boxes (3,900 doses) were returned to Pfizer.

Reporter Seok Gyeong-man [email protected]
