‘Eternal Regression: Black Survival’, skin system introduced

Nimble Neuron (CEO Nam-Seok Kim) added a skin system and a new character’Luke’ to’Eternal Regression: Black Survival (hereinafter Eternal Regression)’, which is being serviced by Steam’s’Early Access’.

With the addition of this skin system, gamers can express their own differentiated personality in the game, and by purchasing a favorite character skin, they can also satisfy their collection needs.

The first update with the addition of the skin system is the’Executioner Jackie’ skin. Nimble Neuron plans to update new skins every other week in the future. The skin system is also one of the business models with the will of the Eternal Regression development team to avoid Pay to Win as much as possible and put the gamer’s skills first.

The newly added new character’Luke’ is the 22nd character that has been updated in two weeks. Luke is set up as a hitman who looks like a janitor in the game. The skills used by Luke reflected the characteristics of two professions: cleaner and contractor.

Reporter Seo Dong-min of Game Talk [email protected]

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