Eric’s quiet action, who kept the myth up to the end, everyone is admiring.

Shinhwa, a longevity group that caused conflict between members

What Eric wanted to tell everyone

Eric (Moon Jeong-hyuk), leader of the group’Shinhwa’, wanted to inform more people about the news of reconciliation.

Eric / News 1

Eric announced on the 17th that he had made a dramatic reconciliation with Kim Dong-wan, the subject of discord. He posted a picture of the group chat room where Shinhwa members gathered again on his Instagram post. He expressed his gratitude to the members, including the Shinhwa Creation fandom.

As of the 18th, more than 20,000 people have already clicked’Like’ and posted 2,000 comments, but Eric wanted to spread the facts of their’reconciliation’. The method he chose was’paid advertisement’.

Below Instagram

According to an official from the PR company MIDICOM, Instagram usually has a paid advertisement function that can be exposed to stories for business accounts or commercial purposes. Individual users can also use paid advertising by switching to a professional account.

On this day, it was confirmed that Eric used the advertisement function by paying private money to his personal Instagram account. Eric used this feature so that Instagram users who weren’t following her account could know about Shinhwa’s reconciliation.

Group Myth / News 1

Earlier, while communicating with fans on the’Club House’ SNS, Kim Dong-wan confessed that “it is not easy because there are members who are tired of activities” in relation to Shinhwa’s activities. When this was announced, leader Eric asked for a conversation, saying, “Don’t gather people in your absence and talk about undecided things. If you want to talk like that, come at a group meeting. Let’s talk if you have a mind to solve a problem.”

It is said that the two people who were continuing the battle on social media eventually met in person to have a deep talk and reconcile.

Reporter Han Je-yoon

[email protected]

