‘Eric and the discord’ Kim Dong-wan “I will meet Shinhwa members and have a good conversation[전문]

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Eric (left) and Kim Dong-wan, a myth with a discord. Photo|Star Today DB [매일경제 스타투데이 성정은 기자]

Group Shinhwa Kim Dong-wan made a direct stance on the discord with Eric. This is the answer after Eric, the leader of the mythology (real name Jeong-hyuk Moon), confessed to the discord with Kim Dong-wan, saying, “There is no way to personally contact you, and it has been a long time since there has been no way to contact you.”

On the 14th, Kim Dong-wan posted a post on his Instagram, beginning with an apology, saying, “I am sorry to the creators of myths who are very surprised.”

Kim Dong-wan said, “If I meet Shinhwa members tomorrow, I will have a good conversation. As it is an internal situation, it would be important to talk to each other first,” he said. “Apart from him, the live broadcast will proceed as previously announced.”

Kim Dong-wan said, “A lot of people are involved in planning myth albums and concerts. It’s something that one member can’t do, and one member can’t be left out.” It’s an activity.

The opinions of six people are always properly entered, and through coordination, all members are satisfied.”

“Until this result comes out, communication with the production team as well as the opinions of Shinhwa members is very important. The production crew must always run the simulation over various times and timings.” If they had been contacted by the production crew, if they had communicated so that they could prepare with peace of mind, neither myth nor the creation of myth would have suffered such a thing,” he said, revealing that he had not reached contact with Eric and regretted.

Nevertheless, Kim Dong-wan pledged to the fans, saying, “I will always try to become a myth that draws good pictures for myth creators.”

Earlier on this day, Eric posted a long article on his Instagram by tagging Kim Dong-wan.

Eric said, “People responded only to those who were good to hear, and cursed those who silently work in the group. I think it’s too much.”

In the extreme, one side held up and the other attacked personally with swearing, so will it last? Now let’s do it in moderation. Are you tired?” he complained.

He said, “If you want to talk to people without me and don’t talk undecided, come at a group meeting. If you’re willing to solve a problem, let’s talk. There’s no way to contact you, so I’ll tag and talk to Andy. Invite live tomorrow. I’m going. I asked Kim Dong-wan for a conversation.

In a comment, Eric said, “Personally, there is no way to contact you. It’s been a long time. So, I tagged it and talked to Andy as well.” I also want to resolve the misunderstanding. This article will be deleted after listening to (Kim Dong-wan’s) answer.”

Eric also revealed the details of his conversation with Andy. Regarding the scheduled live broadcast, Andy said, “It’s still unstable. “I think Dong-wan will meet and talk to you.” Eric said, “Tell me to invite me to the live broadcast tomorrow. I wonder what to say.

Deliver it as it is. I also thought of a way to adjust if I was too uncomfortable to see the situation.”

Recently, Kim Dong-wan drew attention by expressing pessimism about future Shinhwa activities at the Eumseong SNS Club House. In response, Eric expressed his discord with Kim Dong-wan and wanted a conversation, and Kim Dong-wan said honestly about his regret. As Dong-Wan Kim promised to become a myth that paints a good picture for the creator of the myth, it is noteworthy whether he will resolve the conflict with Eric and achieve the myth work. Meanwhile, Eric’s post on his Instagram is currently being deleted.

This is Kim Dong-wan.

First of all, I apologize to the myth creators who were amazed.

When I meet Shinhwa members tomorrow, I will have a good conversation. As it is an internal situation, it seems to be important to talk to each other first.

Apart from that, the live broadcast will proceed as previously announced.

Shinhwa’s album and concert planning involves a large number of people. It’s something that one member can’t do, and one member can’t be left out. Shinhwa activities are the most important and fun and rewarding activities for members. So, the opinions of 6 people are always properly entered, and through coordination, all members are satisfied.

Until this result is released, not only the opinions of the Shinhwa members but also communication with the production crew is very important. The production crew always has to run simulations for different times and timings. Apart from contacting my individual, if I had received some contact from the production crews who were preparing since last year, if they had communicated with them so that they could prepare with ease, neither myth nor the creation of myths would have suffered this kind of thing.

We will always do our best to become a myth that draws good pictures for the creators of Shinhwa.

Thank you.

I just watched, but the problems inside and judged outside were so different, but they kept crossing each other too much. If you let it go, it will gradually disappear, or even if you want to stand, there will be no place to stand. If there is a problem, I have to open it up from the root and solve it. I always cover it up and pretend not to be okay.

One guy who puts the team first and prioritizes work progress. One guy who said that he would put emphasis on individual activities and put it into a myth, hurt group communication and schedules, but treated the fans kindly. I decided to understand the difference because they both have different thoughts and methods, but don’t you think it’s too bad because the people responded to only one side, only the person who listens to them, and those who silently work hard in the group work in a swear situation?

It’s okay to just respond and not respond. This is, in an extreme case, one side upholds and one side attacks human beings with cursing, so it will last. If it’s not half and half, but 90 or more is the latter style, I’m sure I’ve lived wrong in the meantime. It’s not difficult if I switch to the latter. But let’s do it right now. Are you not tired of DC people? If you don’t have me, don’t gather people and talk about things that haven’t been decided. You ask for a schedule and combine it 3 weeks in advance If you are willing to solve a problem, let’s talk. There’s no way to contact you, so I’ll tag and talk to Andy. Invite me live tomorrow. Goes.

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[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
