Eom Tae-woong “My daughter says’do some work'” → Yoon Hye-jin “A good opportunity will come again”

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Eom Tae-woong “My daughter says’do some work'” → Yoon Hye-jin “A good opportunity will come again”

Hyejin Yoon, released on YouTube

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Ahn Tae-Hyun |
2021-01-12 15:28 sent | 2021-01-12 15:32 Last modified

Hyejin Yoon’s YouTube channel video capture © News1

Actor Taewoong Um’s wife, Hyejin Yoon, shared her unusual belief in her husband.

On the 12th, Yoon Hye-jin posted a video on her YouTube channel, saying, “I did an inner talk for the New Year with my husband, who came back”. In this video, Yoon Hye-jin and Um Tae-woong gave a laugh by having a conversation with the’female and male friend concept’ rather than a couple. Eom Tae-woong did not have a face, but appeared in a voice and spoke with Yoon Hye-jin.

The two continued to talk about their marriage from their newlyweds and then exchanged virtues for the New Year. At this time, Yoon Hye-jin told Eom Tae-woong, “I hope there will be a lot of good things this year.”

Eom Tae-woong said, “Because I’m at home too much, my daughter said,’Dad, do some work’,” laughed.

Eom Tae-woong also said to Yoon Hye-jin as a tribute to the New Year, “I hope you will be healthy this year,” and Yoon Hye-jin complained, “Aren’t you too bored?” and laughed.

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