“Eom Ki-jun x Kim So-yeon’s engagement”… ‘Penthouse 2’Kim Soo-min’s large spo, is the audience rating bad? [MK이슈]

[매일경제 스타투데이 김소연 기자]

Controversy arose that the announcer Kim Soo-min had released season 2 of’Penthouse’. While SBS has not disclosed its position on this, netizens are concerned that it will adversely affect Season 2.

Recently, announcer Kim Soo-min released Vlog on his YouTube channel. In the vlog, announcer Kim Soo-min is practicing dialogue with a fast cold.

Although the dialogue was not heard at normal speed, some netizens said that the video was played slowly, and insisted that announcer Kim Soo-min was practicing the script for Season 2 of’Penthouse’.

In addition, the content was announced that Dan-tae Ju (played by Um Gi-jun) and Seo-jin Cheon (played by Kim So-yeon) and that Oh Yoon-hee (played by Yujin), who was accused of murdering Shim Su-ryun (played by Ji-ah), had surrendered. In this regard, announcer Kim Soo-min has deleted all the videos on the YouTube channel.

An official from SBS said in Maeil Business Daily Star Today on the 9th, “There is no official position on the drama’Penthouse’ Season 2 spoiler.” At the same time, he added, “Please check with the broadcast.” In addition, he said, “I have no position to reveal” additional questions such as “Is it right for announcer Kim Soo-min to appear”, “Is the contents leaked through spoilers correct for the actual drama contents”, and “Would there be any disruption to the drama in relation to it?” Stayed silent.

‘Penthouse’ season 1 ended with an audience rating of 28.8% (Nielsen Korea, national standard). It is a remarkable achievement amid the famine of the ratings that recent terrestrial dramas have been suffering from a ratings famine to the point that even if they have exceeded 10% of the ratings, they are called’bigger’. The following season of’Penthouse’ draws attention because it is a controversy over a large spoiler that has risen amid the definite top of this year’s expectations.

The secret to the success of’Penthouse’ can be cited as the actors’ outstanding acting skills, rapid development, and the charm of the characters. The surprising reversal revealed every time is also considered one of the secrets of popularity. In Season 1, Shim Su-ryun ended with a shocking end to death. If the actual script content is correct, the dialogue that practiced in the deleted Vlog by announcer Kim Soo-min is a large spoiler.

Scenes of news in dramas usually appear as a summary of the major events at once. Season 2 also uses the same news scene, and if announcer Kim Soo-min practiced this news scene, it is highly likely that the content that Um Gi-jun and Kim So-yeon are engaged and that Oh Yoon-hee surrendered will be more than one episode. As there is a possibility that several episodes were spoiled at once, the backlash from netizens is also intense.

Netizens responded, “The broadcast is about a month left, but I’m not interested in finding out it already”, “I’m just waiting for the broadcast, but I’m angry”, “It’s too much not to apologize”, “I want you to change the plot even if that content is correct.” Is showing.

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Photo courtesy| SBS

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
