Environmental sanitation workers fired for destroying a snowman, the reason is’concentric destruction’

[사지출처 = 청원 사이트 캡처]

picture explanation[사지출처 = 청원 사이트 캡처]

An environmental sanitation center, which was collecting garbage, broke a snowman made by a child and was fired in England.

The reason is’concentric destruction’.

The Independent reported on the 1st (local time) that it was wrong to destroy a snowman made by a child, but there was a sympathy that it was too much to fire him, and a petition for reinstatement was taking place.

In fact, in the international petition site change, a petition even appeared with the title of’Please give back your job to the environmental sanitation workers’.

So, how did this cleansing house destroy a snowman and got fired?

A three-year-old boy from Hereford, England, made a snowman about 2 meters high with his family after heavy snowfall on the 24th of last month.

However, two days later, on the 26th, the snowman was greatly damaged and the child’s wound was also large.

Eventually, the child’s parents checked the video on a nearby closed circuit (CC) TV.

In the video, there was a scene where an environmental sanitation worker came to collect garbage and boothed a snowman.

He blew the snowman’s head off with a kick and eventually made the snowman irrecoverable.

Then I got on the work car and left.

Parents who checked the video informed the company and the Congress to which the Environmental Cleaners belonged, and a spokesman for the Congress said, “The cleaner was very disappointed with his actions as a contractor employee,” and “We will not hire him again.”

Accordingly, the environmental sanitation agency received a notice of dismissal from the company.

However, as the news spread, there was a debate over whether it was the reason for dismissing the snowman.

Moreover, as the news that the fired sanitation worker will soon become a father, public opinion is growing to reinstate her job.

In an interview with the local media, the environmental sanitation center said, “I did that because I felt the snowman was disturbing,” and “It makes no sense to be fired for having snow that melts anyway.”

He continued, “I apologized for this through social media, but rather they blocked me,” he appealed, “I will soon become a father.”

[이상규 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
