Environment Minister Han Jeong-ae visits the newly renovated Yangjae hydrogen charging station and holds a charging demonstration event

Yangjae hydrogen charging station, reopening by increasing the charging capacity, solving the inconvenience of charging the metropolitan area

[세종=뉴스핌] Reporter Lee Dong-hoon = Environment Minister Han Jeong-ae visited the newly opened Yangjae hydrogen charging station in Seoul, inspected it, and had time to charge it directly with the citizens.

According to the Ministry of Environment on the 26th, Minister Han Han-ae visited the newly renovated Yangjae hydrogen charging station in Seocho-gu, Seoul this afternoon and held a demonstration of free charging of hydrogen vehicles with the first citizens who visited it.

According to the Ministry of Environment, Yangjae hydrogen charging station invested 3 billion won to increase the hydrogen charging capacity by about three times compared to the previous one and reopened it with the latest facilities. About 70 hydrogen vehicles can be charged a day.

In addition, a free recharge event will be held from this day to the 28th, and the operation will begin in earnest from March 1st.

The hydrogen charging station here is equipped with facilities such as charging electric vehicles and energy storage systems (ESS), as well as charging hydrogen vehicles on the site, and serves as a base for comprehensive pollution-free vehicles (hydrogen vehicles and electric vehicles).

The Ministry of Environment has been promoting the hydrogen charging station project by closely communicating with Seoul City, Seocho-gu, and local residents for the transition to a city without fine dust and a carbon-neutral city. In the meantime, the Ministry of Environment has held non-face-to-face briefings for residents of Seocho-gu to increase acceptance of hydrogen charging stations, and has endeavored to reopen the Yangjae hydrogen charging station based on trust in the safety of the hydrogen charging station. It was expected that more hydrogen charging stations would be built in downtown Seoul, as examples of such communication and collaboration became an example.

[세종=뉴스핌] Reporter Lee Dong-hoon = Yangjae hydrogen car charging station [사진=환경부] 2021.02.26 [email protected]

Seoul Yangjae Hydrogen Charging Station is the first hydrogen charging station built in downtown Seoul, and is a charging station that combines eco-friendly facilities such as electric vehicle chargers and ESS (energy storage devices) in Seoul. In November 2010, Hyundai Motor Company installed it for research to use it to develop hydrogen cars, and has been open to general users since 2018. Subsequently, the Seoul Metropolitan Government took ownership and changed it from research use to commercial use and began renovation work in December 2019.

The reopening of the Yangjae hydrogen charging station is expected to make it easier to charge hydrogen vehicles in Seoul. As of the end of January this year, there are 1719 hydrogen vehicles registered in Seoul. Of these, Seocho-gu is the only autonomous district with more than 200 units of hydrogen vehicle registration among 25 autonomous districts (216 units).

Until now, Seocho-gu residents have been inconvenient to use the National Assembly charging station, but as Yangjae hydrogen charging station is operated, charging conditions are improved and hydrogen fuel purchase costs are also discounted by 30%.

Minister Han Han-ae congratulated the reopening of the Yangjae Hydrogen Station and asked the officials who attended the site to “do our best to create a more convenient hydrogen charging environment for citizens.” He said, “We will try to expand hydrogen charging stations early by utilizing LPG charging stations and gas stations.”

[email protected]
