Enraged Cho Byeong-gyu, I will go to the end

Byung-gyu Cho on the allegation of “compression from affiliation”
“As an actor, why should I apologize for the part that is not true”
“10-year career collapsed” talk of resentment

Byeong-gyu Jo /Photo=Affiliated company, Instagram

Byeong-gyu Jo /Photo=Affiliated company, Instagram

Actor Cho Byeong-gyu directly appealed for frustration while a public verification was suggested by the HB Entertainment’s extortionist, saying that he was under pressure from HB Entertainment to compensate for damages.

On the 10th, Cho Byeong-gyu posted a post on his Instagram that began saying, “I made a pledge not to react to anonymous and malicious posts, but I couldn’t see it, so I’ll post it.”

Cho Byeong-gyu said, “How should I prove something that wasn’t,” and said, “How should I remember all the things from 11 years ago, or 16 years ago, and prove it?”

“That’s right. I wasn’t a person who didn’t hurt anyone in my life, and I wasn’t a person who lived close to everyone like a saint in the process of growing up. I was extorted for money because I was small, and I was beaten. So, am I also a victim from now on?” Pointed out.

Byeong-gyu Cho said, “I think that a school is a place where you can become a good adult and a member of society through a lot of trial and error, conflict, and learning before your self is perfectly formed.” “It’s in the ethical and moral line. I won’t deny it.”

He asked why he had to apologize for his childhood behavior for having a job as an actor.

He said, “I have to apologize for the part that was not true when I didn’t have a dream of being an actor at the responsibility of an actor. If this is a problem, I will apologize.”

Cho said, “I wasn’t close with everyone in every grade, and I’ve never been friends with everyone. I was close with a few, and my friends were really good people. My narrow relationship and indifference to the bad feelings of people who weren’t related seems to be the problem.” wrote.

He said, “The 10 years of my career has collapsed and all the work I decided to proceed with was withheld. The amount I lost, I can’t say. Mental damage? Even when I go out of the house after the revelation, I just look at the floor and sleep for several weeks. I lived without knowing. I am an emotional appeal and an anonymous face. Is the writing of an unknown person sincere?”

Byeong-gyu Jo /Photo=Affiliated company, Instagram

Byeong-gyu Jo /Photo=Affiliated company, Instagram

Cho Byeong-gyu denied alleging that the abuser was under pressure from a lawyer and his agency to compensate for damages. He asked, “If it feels like a threat, how do you send proof of content and communicate the situation to you, anonymous in another country?”

Regarding the exposer who claimed to have been fired from the company due to stress, Cho Byeong-gyu said, “You contacted the lawyer first through an acquaintance, and you first asked for an appointment. Why do you send an apology through an acquaintance to ask the lawyer for his opinion. Anonymous I don’t understand if I change my opinion because I am not sure if I do not have someone’s will, but I do not have the will of someone, but I do not understand if I change my opinion.” He pointed out, “Do not blame others for dismissal due to your infidelity.” .

The revealer referred to the agreement proposed by Cho Byeong-gyu’s agency, and insisted, “I don’t know, I don’t know, but there are many conspirators, not just one. Are you making a new case with me as the main offender?”

Cho Byeong-gyu said, “He knows that if this agenda is consumed for continued gossip, I will suffer a great deal. Conspirators? I think he will know the best why he is talking about that.”

He said, “I am grateful for allowing me to respond in the same position as myself, all meaningless and empty-handed. I don’t want to make a job of defeating my precious people and my agency anymore, and I don’t want to suffer. I put it all down to protect it,” he warned, “I’ll go to the end” to the spreaders and bad guys.

The suspicion of Cho Byeong-gyu’s abuse was raised through an article posted on the online community last month. The author certified that he and Byeong-gyu Cho went to school together in New Zealand, and revealed that he had been verbally abused by Cho Byeong-gyu.

As the suspicion of abusing spread, the agency immediately began to evolve. It was an anticipation of legal action. However, after HB Entertainment commissioned an investigation, the revealer contacted the agency and apologized for the fact that the article was false, and it is known that he sought a predecessor.

I wondered if the suspicions were settled, but another phase was entered as additional disclosures by other alumni came out. Cho Byeong-gyu’s agency side again made an official position and once again denied the allegations of abusing.

As public opinion became cold, Cho Byeong-gyu got off the program he was trying to appear on and posted a statement with the intention of “I’m sorry.”

Yerang Kim, reporter of Hankyung.com [email protected]

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