Englishman escapes from quarantine at Swiss ski resort

A former British diplomat who had fled from Switzerland denied his fault. © AFP=News1

A British daily newspaper The Independent reported on the 29th that a former British diplomat, who fled from a Swiss ski resort after being quarantined for a novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19), said, “There is nothing wrong with it.”

According to the Independent, a former diplomat and Brexit activist Andy Wigmore immediately returned to Oxford, England, via France on the Eurostar train with his family when he heard that he had to be quarantined in Switzerland.

About 400 British people who were quarantined at Verbier Ski Resort, Switzerland, secretly left their lodgings for two days on the 26th and 27th, and controversy has been raised.

The Swiss government imposed quarantine measures as the mutant virus from Britain spread. The fear of COVID-19 infection, which has mutated in Europe due to the irresponsible behavior of the British, is spreading further.

Shortly after his escape, Wigmore was criticized by netizens by posting on his Instagram account as “one of many British people” who successfully escaped from Switzerland. Also, he compared himself to the protagonist in the movie’The Sound of Music’. The main character of the movie crosses the Swiss border to France to escape the Nazis.

Currently, he is known to be in self-isolation at home after returning home. He continues to emphasize that he had a’negative’ result from the Corona 19 test.

Meanwhile, confirmed cases of mutant viruses originating in the UK are appearing in Europe as well as countries around the world including Korea.

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