England resumes school from March 8… Japan Considers Lifting Corona Emergency | Voice of America

Britain, which is taking high-intensity containment measures to block the spread of the novel coronavirus, has decided to ease restrictions, such as restarting school from next month.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson yesterday (22) submitted a plan to ease the blockade in four stages.

First, the first phase will resume school from March 8th, and from the 29th, outdoor activities of 6 or more people are allowed.

In the second phase, business for non-essential businesses, including beauty salons, will resume from April 12, and outdoor operations for restaurants and pubs are permitted.

In principle, the policy is to lift travel restrictions at the end of phase 2.

The British government says it plans to phase out other restrictions and complete all steps by June 21st. However, he explained that it is determined by reviewing the corona infection and vaccine supply status at each stage, and that it can be overturned depending on the situation.

The UK launched the world’s first large-scale immunization of the corona vaccine on December 8 last year, and now about 27% of the population has been vaccinated.

Meanwhile, it is known that the Japanese government is reviewing measures to partially lift the’emergency’ in 10 regions that expire on the 7th of next month as the spread of the coronavirus has recently slowed across the country.

Japan’s public broadcaster’NHK’ reported that the Japanese government is discussing plans to lift the emergency situation in five regions, including Osaka and Kyoto.

The number of new coronavirus confirmed yesterday (22nd) in Tokyo, the capital of Japan, fell below 200 for the first time in three months.

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