‘Enemies’ of AstraZeneca vaccine-ohmynews

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 On the afternoon of the 15th, medical staff are demonstrating the AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine preparation process at the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) vaccination center prepared in the auditorium of Seongdong-gu Office in Seoul.

On the afternoon of the 15th, medical staff are demonstrating the AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine preparation process at the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) vaccination center prepared in the auditorium of Seongdong-gu Office in Seoul.
Ⓒ Joint coverage photo

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The European Medicines Agency (EMA) said on the 18th that “there is no direct association with blood clots, and the safety is greater than the risk” about the AstraZeneca vaccine, which was suspicious of making’thrombosis’. The controversy is calming down as major countries such as France, Germany, Italy, and Spain also announced that they will resume vaccination.

However, in the first place, reports of “thrombogenesis” were not only for the AstraZeneca vaccine. According to data from the UK Medicines and Health Care Products Authority (MHRA), two major diseases related to blood clots, pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis, were reported in Pfizer vaccine, 15 out of 10.7 million vaccinations, and 8 cases, respectively, for a total of 23 cases. In the AstraZeneca vaccine, a total of 27 cases were reported, 13 out of 9.7 million vaccinations and 14 cases, respectively.

Regarding these results, Jae-hoon Jeong, a professor at the Department of Preventive Medicine, Gachon University School of Medicine, said on his Facebook page on the 15th, “2.15 cases of thrombosis-related diseases were reported after vaccination of Pfizer vaccine per 1 million people, and 2.78 cases of AstraZeneca vaccine were statistically different. “The UK has used the AstraZeneca vaccine much more in the elderly, so it looks almost the same when the age is corrected.”

The quarantine authorities also explained that there was no association between AstraZeneca and other COVID-19 vaccines and blood clots. Disease Commissioner Jeong Eun-kyung said at a general meeting of the National Assembly’s Special Committee on Budget and Settlement on the 18th, “Thrombi are routine. According to data from the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, a lot of blood clots are reported, including 17,000 people a year reported as pulmonary embolism.” Kim Jung-gon, head of the Corona 19 Vaccination Investigation Division (Professor of the Department of Pediatrics and Adolescents, Seoul Medical Center) also said, “Thrombosis shows an incidence rate of more than 100 per 100,000 people, and there are reports that it occurs in more than 500 people per 100,000 people when they reach their 80s.” It was revealed through a back briefing of the quarantine countermeasures headquarters.

As a result, the’thrombosis’ controversy reveals a situation in which the reliability of the AstraZeneca vaccine is also low in Europe. However, the decrease in reliability is only due to factors such as delay in clinical trials and the US FDA not granting approval for urgent use, and has nothing to do with efficacy or safety. Actually, the results of primary vaccinations in the UK and Scotland showed no significant difference in the effectiveness of the AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines in preventing hospitalization.

The problem is that in Korea, the AstraZeneca vaccine has become a symbol of the Moon Jae-in government’s’vaccine vaccination project’. This is largely due to the fact that the government made an inoculation plan last year around AstraZeneca, which can be produced in Korea, but the inoculation was delayed compared to foreign countries that received Pfizer, Moder, or vaccines earlier. The opposition party made an onslaught on the government ruling party because it was not able to secure “quantity”, and in the process, the opposition party repeatedly made remarks that lowered social trust in the “AstraZeneca vaccine,” which the government purchased the fastest in the process.

‘Politicization of vaccines’ is also evident through media statistics. <뉴스톱> According to the news change data analyzed by CEO Kim Joon-il, the presidential name’Moon Jae-in’ and the keyword’vaccine’ moved in a similar pattern. When the volume of vaccine coverage increased, the volume of coverage on the president also increased. (Related article: How the media shakes’vaccine trust’… “Breaking news competition is messed up”, http://omn.kr/1sap0) Currently, the vaccines that have entered Korea are 750,000 AstraZeneca vaccines and 50,000 Pfizer vaccines. With 8,500 people, the ratio of AstraZeneca is much higher.

People’s power,’blood battle controversy’ expanded reproduction… “European countries’ irrational judgment”

View Larger Picture
 The power of the people Joo Ho-young, the national representative, makes a remark at a meeting of the large committee chairman-jungjin at the National Assembly on the morning of the 19th.  On the right is Kim Jong-in, chairman of the enlargement committee.

The power of the people Joo Ho-young, the national representative, makes a remark at a meeting of the large committee chairman-jungjin at the National Assembly on the morning of the 19th. On the right is Kim Jong-in, chairman of the enlargement committee.
Ⓒ Joint coverage photo

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Many infectious disease experts have long emphasized that’vaccines are science’. It is pointed out that a vaccine should be judged based on scientific standards, and not based on political affiliation. But over the past week of blood clot controversy, the AstraZeneca vaccine was once again shaken by politics.

In the power of the people, I fell on the issue of AstraZeneca’s’safety’ throughout this week. Ho-young Joo, head of the People’s Power, pointed out the safety problem of the AstraZeneca vaccine, saying to Commissioner Eun-kyung Jeong, who attended the’Corona 19 Vaccine-related Discussion’ held at the National Assembly on the 16th, saying, “Why did we not secure Pfizer and Modena like other advanced countries?” have.

Even the following day, on the 17th, Rep. Hwang Bo Seung-hee said, “I hope the AstraZeneca vaccine is safe, but if there are deaths due to side effects, we should keep in mind that a temporary withholding as a precaution is a scientific measure for the public.” He also spoke as if death was caused by a side effect of the vaccine.

However, experts are suggesting that the’AstraZeneca blood clot controversy’ was inflated in the first place. Some point out that it is a’miscalculation’ of European countries or a check on the AstraZeneca vaccine made in the UK, which is not affiliated with the EU.

Professor Hong Yoon-cheol of the Department of Preventive Medicine at Seoul National University agreed with the opinion of the European Medicines Agency, saying, “It was not a problem at the level of stopping the AstraZeneca vaccine. When the vaccine was given, the benefit was much greater than when it was not.” He added, “It is only necessary to properly cope with side effects and manage them well,” he said. “The politicization of vaccines is frustrating. Vaccinations or corona 19 quarantine should not move according to politics.”

Lee Jae-gap, professor of infectious medicine at the Gangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University, said, “European countries’ irrational decision is embarrassing. Even though the European Medicines Agency did not recommend stopping vaccination, individual countries decided to make a decision.” There are, and it is raising fears about the AstraZeneca vaccine itself,” he pointed out. Prof. Lee said, “It’s not happening in Korea, but European countries’ halting vaccinations has emerged as a real-time breaking news,” he said. “Reporting without analysis on why vaccination is stopped is like’anti vaccination’ behavior.” Criticized.

The Chosun Ilbo “false answer”… The disease administration “Official autopsy results do not come out”

In fact, some media continue to report lowering the credibility of the AstraZeneca vaccine on the grounds of criticizing the government. Reported on the 18th that a blood clot was found in a woman in her 60s who died 8 days after vaccination on the 6th of this month. At the same time, he pointed out that he said, “There is no case related to blood clots” at a briefing by the Central Defense Countermeasures Headquarters on the 15th and 16th.

<조선일보>“The fact that blood clots in people who received the AZ vaccine caused blood clots in the European Union countries, such as Austria and Germany, made a decision to stop AZ vaccination one after another.” “I answered.”

However, an official from the Korea Disease Service Agency <오마이뉴스>In a phone call with, “The members who participated in the damage investigation group on the 12th said verbally what was confirmed with the naked eye during the autopsy of the deceased. However, since it was not an official result, the part that we tried to deliberate and evaluate when the official autopsy result was notified,” “I refuted the report.

He said, “I cannot announce anything that has not been deliberated or discussed in the damage investigation group. There was no data to say without receiving the autopsy result.” During the autopsy process, I was informed of my naked eye findings.”

The deceased was autopsied on the 8th. Usually, it takes about 2 weeks for the autopsy results to come out. An official said, “When the results of the autopsy come out, we will deliberate and announce it through the damage investigation team.”

Meanwhile, the Corona 19 Vaccination Response Team said on the 17th, “This case was in their 60s with an underlying disease.” The damage investigation team reviewed vaccination and causality on the 12th. ▲ The temporal probability between vaccination and adverse reactions is low ▲ He said he had an underlying disease for a long time, and ▲ comprehensively reviewing the medical records conducted before his death, evaluated that there was a high probability of death due to causes other than vaccination.”
