Emphasis on supply expansion… “Special real estate measures before the New Year holidays”


Today (18th), we will go back to the press conference of President Moon Jae-in. President Moon said that he focused on preventing speculation in the real estate policy, but he did not succeed in real estate stabilization. I admitted that there was a problem once again. He said he would come up with a’special supply plan’ before the Lunar New Year holidays. Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Byeon Chang-heum suggested that it will develop new housing sites as well as public development of the station area.

This is Seo Young-ji.


President Moon Jae-in admitted that there was another problem following the New Year’s press conference when a question about real estate came out.

[부동산 투기를 잘 차단하면 충분한 공급이 될 것이라는 그런 판단이 있었던 것이 사실입니다. 결국 부동산 안정화에는 성공하지 못했습니다.]

The reason for the shortage of supply was the increase in 610,000 households last year due to the separation of households.

The government increased supply, but as the number of households increased, the supply of housing depends.

He said, “We will take special measures to supply real estate while maintaining the stance to curb speculation.”

[공공 재개발, 역세권 개발, 신규 택지의 과감한 개발 등을 통해서 부동산의 공급을 특별하게 늘림으로써…]

He said the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport is making a plan, and the new Minister Byeon Chang-heum will announce it before the New Year’s Day.

[긴급한 대책을 위해서는 기존의 절차라든지 이런 것을 전부 뛰어넘는 보다 획기적이고 과감한 대책, 창의적인 대책이 필요하다고 (생각합니다.)]

Following the press conference by President Moon, the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the Financial Services Commission, and the National Tax Service held a joint briefing session on real estate measures.

At this meeting, the government drew a line on the recently discussed capital gains tax easing.

The policy to strengthen the comprehensive real estate tax and transfer tax scheduled for June 1 will be implemented as scheduled.
