Embraces the son of a murdered civil servant

Ahn Cheol-soo, the leader of the National Assembly Party, who is leading the competition for the mayoral election by the mayor of Seoul, announced on his SNS on the 12th that he had met the bereaved family members of Mr. Lee, a 47-year-old official of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs, who died in a North Korean shooting last year. [안철수 국민의당 대표 페이스북]

Ahn Cheol-soo, the leader of the National Assembly Party, who is leading the competition for the mayoral election by the mayor of Seoul, announced on his SNS on the 12th that he had met the bereaved family members of Mr. Lee, a 47-year-old official of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs, who died in a North Korean shooting last year. [안철수 국민의당 대표 페이스북]

Ahn Cheol-soo, the head of the National Assembly Party, met with the bereaved family members related to the murder of a civil servant in North Korea’s Ministry of Maritime Affairs in September last year, and criticized the government’s “Wolbuk Mall”.

Representative Ahn posted two photos on his Facebook page on the 12th, saying, “I went to Busan yesterday (11th),” and was taken with the son of Aunt A (47), a civil servant who was killed by the North Korean military in September last year. did.

On this day, Ahn said that he met the bereaved family members such as Mr. A’s wife and daughter with Mr. A. “The children’s mothers are difficult to handle the sadness of losing their father, but they have been stigmatized by lies and distortions, and they have blood bruises in their hearts.” He said, “I cried because it hurts to watch my son, who is preparing for the civil service exam after getting through the ordeal, feeling atrophy and anxiety,” he said.

After meeting the bereaved family of the North Korean military's murder of an official in the Ministry of Maritime Affairs in September of last year, Ahn Cheol-soo, the head of the National Assembly, criticized the Moon Jae-in administration's ``Wolbuk Mall''. [안철수 국민의당 대표 페이스북 캡처]

After meeting the bereaved family of the North Korean military’s murder of an official in the Ministry of Maritime Affairs in September of last year, Ahn Cheol-soo, the head of the National Assembly, criticized the Moon Jae-in administration’s “Wolbuk Mall”. [안철수 국민의당 대표 페이스북 캡처]

Representative Ahn mentioned the incident at the time, saying, “The North Korean military killed our people and burned the body, and for a few hours until that happened, our military knew it and watched it,” he said. “Is this really me?” “However, even now, this regime has not even apologized for their abandonment of their job,” he said. “Rather, it was used to cover the nation’s selfishness by making the pain and pain of a family gossip by covering the North Korean frame. I did” he pointed out.

He continued, “The high school son of the victim wrote a letter to the president to clearly reveal the truth and appeal to him to protect his father’s honor, but the government was cold.” “The president’s promise to investigate the truth was not kept, and Those who scorned and concealed were still ministers and chief executives,” he criticized.

CEO Ahn said, “It was very late, but even now, we must apologize for the inability to save the lives of the people, and we must apologize for trampling our honor in North Korea. We must promise to hold those responsible (North Korea) responsible.” Emphasized.

Lee, who was previously a member of the Fishery Management Group of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, disappeared in the waters near Soyeonpyeong Island in the west sea at dawn on September 22, and was killed by a North Korean gunfire in the North Korean waters 38 km away. Since then, the body has been burned on the sea by the North Korean military, and the body has not been found. However, the Haekyung who investigated the incident announced that “It is presumed that Mr. Lee fled to North Korea to escape from reality from a mental panic caused by a gambling debt.”

Reporter Dayoung Kim [email protected]
