Eligible for the 4th disaster subsidy, excluding pharmacies and lotteries… Including real estate brokerage


▲ Stalls are preparing for business in the youth street in Gwancheol-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul. yunhap news

[에너지경제신문=윤하늘 기자] From the 4th disaster subsidy support, specialized occupations such as pharmacies and speculative industries such as lottery shops are excluded. Many real estate-related businesses are also excluded, but real estate brokerages are eligible for subsidies.

According to the Ministry of Strategy and Finance and the Ministry of SMEs and Startups on the 7th, the 4th subsidy for small business owners (plus support fund) will also exclude businesses that are excluded from loans for small business policy funds.

The business type excluding subsidies for small business owners was a concept introduced last year when the second disaster subsidy was paid.

Businesses with strong speculative nature such as cigarettes, lottery, gambling, horse racing, racing, and adult games, and businesses with strong enjoyment such as collate, massage parlor, kissing room, professional occupations such as lawyers and accountants, hospitals and pharmacies, insurance and pensions, credit investigations Financial business, such as collection agency, and multi-level door-to-door sales business, are excluded from support.

The real estate industry is also excluded from the target of subsidy payments, as it is considered to have a strong speculation-promoting nature. However, real estate management companies or livelihood real estate brokers and agents who have continued their business in the same place for more than 6 months are eligible for subsidies.

The government has applied this concept when lending policy funds to small businesses. The intention is to focus limited financial resources on small business owners who are more difficult to assess by excluding specialized businesses that are not recommended by the government or that do not have to help. The government is also applying this concept to subsidies for small businesses.

However, when applying a business type excluding subsidy payments, exceptions are made to business types that are restricted or prohibited from grouping. The intention is to provide support without looking for speculative or enjoyment in case of business loss due to the government’s quarantine measures. Entertainment sectors that have been banned from business are expected to be subject to such exceptions.

Unregistered businesses with high suspicion of tax evasion are also excluded from the support because they do not belong to small business owners.

In the case of street vendors who are newly included in the subsidy (500,000 won) this time, they will be paid on the premise that they have already registered their business with the local government or are registering this time.

The government decided to apply a five-stage payment method starting from the 4th subsidy after a month from the method of paying 1 million won to general industries (reduction in sales), 2 million won to business restricted businesses, and 3 million won to businesses prohibited from collectively.

A subsidy of 5 million won is given to the business (extended) in which the collective ban is continued, 4 million won to the business (mitigation) that has been switched from the banned business to the restricted business in the middle, and 3 million won to the restricted business.

Travel, air passenger transportation, film production and distribution, intercity, city, chartered bus transportation, etc., are paid 2 million won for general businesses (management crises) where average sales declined by more than 20%, and 1 million won for those with simple sales declines.

In the case of restricted business, this time, subsidies are only given to companies whose sales have decreased.

The sales limit for general industry support payments has been raised from 400 million won to 1 billion won, and businesses with five or more employees have also been newly incorporated into the subsidy payment target.

The size of the subsidy for small business owners is 6.7 trillion won, and the recipients of the payment amount to 3.85 million.

The government plans to pay subsidies from the end of this month if the National Assembly passes the supplementary bill in the middle of this month.

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