Electric vehicle rapid charger supply as many as the number of gas stations this year

Ministry of Environment, 2,800 units this year distributed and accumulated 12,000 units

Establishment of a system to supply pollution-free vehicles including electric and hydrogen vehicles

Electric vehicle subsidy based on differential, Benz EQC exceeding KRW 90 million, etc.

Electric vehicle charger installed at Jeju Provincial Office
Electric vehicle charger installed at Jeju Provincial Office

[지앤이타임즈 정상필 기자]This year, rapid chargers for electric vehicles will be distributed as many as the number of gas stations nationwide.

A target system for the supply of pollution-free people such as electric vehicles and hydrogen vehicles will also be established.

The Ministry of Environment announced that it will supply 300,000 pollution-free vehicles on a cumulative basis by the end of this year, assuming an innovation plan for the supply of pollution-free vehicles in 2021 at the state affairs adjustment and inspection meeting held on the 18th.

‘Zero Emission Vehicle’ is a’first class low-emission vehicle’ based on the Air Conservation Act, which includes electric vehicles and hydrogen vehicles.

There are two hybrid cars, and three LPG and gasoline cars, which are not pollution-free cars.

In order for automobile manufacturers and sellers to supply more electric vehicles and hydrogen vehicles, the low-emission vehicle supply target will be expanded to 18% this year and 20% next year. Achieve.

In order to improve the effectiveness of the distribution target system, it was decided to revise and implement the Air Quality Conservation Act by imposing contributions to companies that did not meet the target and carrying forward and trading performance.

In order to expand the supply of pollution-free commercial vehicles, additional benefits of 2 million won per vehicle will be provided to electric taxis, and rapid chargers will be installed at garages and shifts.

In order to expand the supply of pollution-free commercial vehicles in the freight car and bus sector, subsidies will be established in stages in connection with the development period for each vehicle type.

◇ In 2023, 100% mandatory purchase of pollution-free vehicles in the public sector

Starting this year, more than 80% of new vehicles by administrative and public institutions must be purchased and rented as pollution-free vehicles.

Also, from 2023, the percentage of pollution-free vehicles will be increased to 100%.

When private companies convert to pollution-free vehicles through the promotion of the’Korean-type pollution-free vehicle conversion 100 (K-EV100)’, priority support will be given to purchase subsidies and the installation of charging infrastructure.

‘K-EV100’ is a campaign that publicly declares that companies will convert 100% of their owned and leased vehicles into electric and hydrogen vehicles by 2030.

In order to promote the development of high-performance pollution-free vehicles, the ratio of fuel consumption is raised from 50% to 60% when calculating subsidies, and energy efficiency benefits of up to 500,000 won are provided to vehicles with excellent low-temperature mileage compared to room temperature.

In order to induce a reduction in the price of pollution-free vehicles and to foster popular vehicles, the standards for subsidies are differentiated for each price segment.

If the vehicle price is less than 60 million won, the full subsidy is provided, and 50% of the subsidy is provided for less than 60 million won and 90 million won or more is excluded.

Accordingly, Mercedes EQC, Audi e-tron, and Jaguar I-PACE are excluded from government subsidies.

In order to prevent market disruption caused by low-cost vehicles, a minimum self-pay for electric buses and electric motorcycles is also set.

Large electric buses are 100 million won, light vehicles are 750,000 won, small ones are 1.15 million won, and large ones have 1.3 million won.

On the other hand, with big data analysis, more than 2,800 and 123 super-fast are installed at moving bases such as highways and gas stations with high demand for charging.

In response, an official from the Ministry of Environment’s Atmospheric Future Strategy said,’This year, the cumulative number of electric vehicle chargers will reach 12,000, which is similar to that of all gas stations.

In order to convert the public-centered rapid charging market to the private initiative, a phased conversion plan is prepared within the first half of the year, and a pilot project of a large-scale complex facility (mega station), a new type of private investment type, is promoted.

‘Mega Station’ is a complex facility that combines large-scale electric and hydrogen vehicle charging facilities, experiences related to future vehicles, and publicity facilities.

Slow-speed electric chargers are also concentrated around the people’s living bases.

It is planning to expand more than 30,000 customized chargers such as streetlights and outlets in consideration of parking conditions and usage environments near people’s lives, such as residential or workplace.

Regarding hydrogen vehicles, a nationwide deployment plan was established in consideration of the demand forecast and traffic volume, and it was decided to concentrate more than 50 hydrogen charging stations by this year in the metropolitan area, where charging stations are insufficient compared to vehicles.

In addition, it has announced that it will temporarily change the licensing agenda from the current basic local government to the Ministry of Environment in order to improve location regulations for green belts and city parks and to resolve the delay in licensing.

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