Eight high-speed boats in a helicopter… Iranian Revolutionary Guards dragged Korean ships

Korean oil tanker captured the Hormuz Strait yesterday… On-site video release


Iran captured our tanker in the Strait of Hormuz yesterday (4th). Today, the video was released. Eight high-speed boats of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard surrounded an oil tanker and launched a helicopter. It looks like you are driving into the territorial waters of Iran.

First, reporter Lee Han-gil reports the tense situation at the time.


In the sky, a helicopter makes a loud propeller sound as it approaches the tanker.

At sea, eight high-speed boats belonging to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards surround oil tankers.

They drive the tanker towards the right side of the screen, Iran.

Eventually, the high-speed boat sticks to the ship, and Iranian soldiers begin to transfer.

Helicopters fly low just above the deck and make threat flight.

The captured Korean Chemi was on its way from Saudi Arabia to the UAE.

The ship and crew are believed to be currently being held at the port of Bandar Abbas, Iran.

[이스마일 마키자드/이란 정부 관계자 : 이란 혁명수비대가 ‘배를 멈추라’고 경고를 보냈지만 듣지 않았습니다.]

The ship owner explained the situation at the time:

[이천희/선박관리회사 이사 : 공해상에서 나포된 건 맞고요. 자기들이 끌고 간 지역이 이 정도(반다르아바스항)로 보고 있습니다.]

Our military dispatched the Cheonghae unit, which was operating in the nearby sea, to the local area.

A military official said, “Diplomatic solutions are the first, but we are preparing for accidental events.”

The Strait of Hormuz is a key route through which an average of 6 Korean ships per day pass.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed strong regret for the Iranian ambassador to Korea and requested that the detained sailors be released quickly.

[사이드 바담치 샤베스타리/주한 이란대사 : 모든 선원들은 안전합니다. 안전해요.]

With President Moon Jae-in instructing an active response, the first Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Choi Jong-gun will visit Iran on the 10th as scheduled.

(Video Design: Jo Sung-hye · Bae Jang-geun)
