Effect of signing the economic stimulus bill ‥ New York Stock Market, the highest’chorus’ ever

[아시아경제 뉴욕=백종민 특파원] New York Stock Markets fired fire after US President Donald Trump signed an economic stimulus bill.



On the 28th (local time), the Dow Jones 30 Industrial Average rose 204.10 points (0.68%) from the battlefield to 3403.97, The S&P500 index rose 32.30 points (0.87%) to 3735.36, while the Nasdaq index rose 94.69 points (0.74%) to 12,899.42.

New York Stock Market’s top three indexes started trading bullish in the last week of 2020 It hit an all-time high.

The rise in the stock market on the day was interpreted as President Trump signed a $2.3 trillion in federal budget and an economic stimulus bill a day ago, and the negatives that suppressed the stock market after the fall were resolved.

Travel stocks, such as airlines, were strong. It was suggested that Apple’s anticipation for entering the automobile industry was excessive, but it also continued to rise by 3.6% this day. The strength of Amazon and Facebook also led the market rise.

Alibaba, which fell 8% in Hong Kong’s stock market due to tightening regulations by Chinese authorities, rose 0.16%. NovaVax, which announced the start of phase 3 trials of the Corona 19 vaccine that day, fell 9.66%.

West Texas crude oil (WTI) for delivery in February of next year closed at $47.62, down 1.26% ($0.61) per barrel. Gold for deliveries in February of next year closed at $1880.4, down 0.15% ($2.8) per ounce.

New York = correspondent Baek Jong-min [email protected]
