Each country’s’mutant corona’ emergency… One after another, infected people with no history of travel between Japan and South Korea

‘Another Mutation’ Appears with a Stronger Propagation Power in South Africa

On the 27th (local time), a grandmother living in a nursing home in Mielby, Sweden, is getting the first corona19 vaccine in Sweden. The corona 19 mutant virus, first discovered in the UK, has swept across the European continent, including Sweden, and is spreading to the Middle East, Asia, and North America. /yunhap news

Concerns about internal transmission are growing as cases of infection with a new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) mutation originating from the UK continue to spread around the world. This is because, after a mutant virus was first confirmed by a person arriving from the UK in each country, infected people with no travel history are also appearing one after another. In particular, mutant Corona 19 is known to have stronger contagious power due to genetic modification, raising the possibility of further fueling the pandemic (global pandemic) situation.

In Japan, which has temporarily suspended the entry of new foreigners from the 28th to block the influx of mutant Corona 19, the eighth mutant infected person came out that day. A woman in her 50s who returned home from the UK on the 13th was tested negative at the airport quarantine, but symptoms such as fever appeared on the 19th, and after being hospitalized on the 22nd, it was confirmed that she had a mutant infection. It is the first time in Japan that it has been confirmed negatively at an airport quarantine and subsequently infected with the mutant Corona 19.

On the 26th, it was confirmed that a male aircraft pilot in his 30s living in Tokyo and a woman in his 20s, a family member, were infected with the mutant Corona 19. The pilot stayed in London and entered Japan on the 16th of this month. The woman is the first person infected with mutations in Japan without a history of staying in the UK. Considering that the mutation was introduced through the pilot, it can be considered that the mutation Corona 19 has started to spread in Japan.

In Canada, two people with no travel history were also found to be infected with mutant Corona 19. According to Reuters, Canadian Ontario health officials confirmed that a couple had mutated Corona 19 while entering the blockade on the 26th. They are known to have no travel history.

In the case of the United States, the country that is the biggest victim of Corona 19, there was no official announcement by the authorities, but it is estimated that the strain is already spreading. The Los Angeles County (LA) county has launched an investigation to determine whether the British mutant virus has spread. Earlier, Anthony Pouch, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) said, “It is certain that the COVID-19 mutation already exists in the United States.”

Taken together, the first mutant virus discovered in the UK swept Europe and then spread to the Middle East, Asia, Australia, and North America, and has been confirmed in at least 24 countries. In Europe, mutant viruses have been confirmed in France, Denmark, Spain, Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, Norway, and Portugal. A mutant virus was also found in Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan in the Middle East, and in Asia, in addition to Japan, Singapore also confirmed infected people and strengthened quarantine.

The mutant virus, first discovered in September in southern England, UK, is said to be up to 70% more contagious than the existing Corona 19. Experts believe that genetic modification has not occurred enough to neutralize the vaccine effect, but in some countries, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and the European Union (EU), vaccination has just begun and mutations are found in the early stages of expectation of spreading effects, raising concerns. have.

To make matters worse, a new mutation that is highly contagious has also been discovered in South Africa. Named ‘501.V2’, the virus is believed to have greater transmission power and stronger vaccine resistance compared to the British variant.

As the mutant virus spreads rapidly, the number of corona19 confirmed and dead around the world is rapidly increasing. According to the international statistics site World Omometer, the cumulative number of corona 19 confirmed cases around the world as of 3 p.m. on the 28th (Korea time) was 81,145,397, and the cumulative death was 1.71,982.

/ Reporter Noh Hee-young [email protected]

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