[e사람] Bang Sang-hyuk, CEO of Shin-A Yanghaeng, “LDS syringes will compete by expanding certification and productivity”

Sanghyuk Bang, CEO of Shin Ahyang. [사진=신아양행]
Sanghyuk Bang, CEO of Shin Ahyang. [사진=신아양행]

[이뉴스투데이 전한울 기자] “Even in a day, more than 10 buyers from around the world are inquiring about purchasing tens of millions of LDS syringes made by us.”

Bang Sang-hyuk, CEO of Korean LDS syringe manufacturer, Shin Ah Yang-haeng, said about the expansion of export opportunities due to the recent full-scale corona vaccination and government support promises.

President Moon Jae-in visited Poonglim Pharmatech, an LDS syringe manufacturer on the 18th, and promised to encourage and support officials of major domestic LDS syringe manufacturers (Punglim Pharmatech, Shin-Ayanghaeng, Doowon Meditech), which are attracting worldwide attention through efficient vaccination.

President Moon said, “As the global supply of corona vaccine is insufficient, interest is focused on LDS syringes that allow one more vaccine to be inoculated.” “Innovative companies that are increasing the domestic and overseas supply of quarantine products despite the crisis I will support enough.”

In an interview with Enews Today on the 26th, CEO Bang of Shin-A Yanghaeng, one of the three companies participating on the day, said in an interview with Enews Today on the 26th that in addition to the existing supply of 22 million LDS syringes per year to the United States, demand is continuously increasing. It said that it will strengthen market competitiveness.

CEO Bang said, “We plan to deliver 12.5 million units to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention by June, and we have recently completed a supply contract of 6 million units with France.” “We plan to export to Malaysia soon, and other Southeast Asia (Thailand, Philippines) and South America. (Brazil, Paraguay) and a number of Middle Eastern countries are also exploring the possibility of export.”

The LDS syringe is a special syringe that significantly reduces the loss of drug residuals in the syringe. In particular, in the case of Pfizer vaccine, 5 doses per bottle can be injected with a general syringe, whereas when using an LDS syringe, more than 6 doses are injected, resulting in a 20% increase in production.

Shin-A Yanghaeng began producing LDS-type insulin syringes, which are advantageous for administering expensive drugs, in 1995, and has expanded to various types of LDS syringes, such as TB (tuberculosis injection) and vaccines.

Shin-A has been exporting about 500 million LDS syringes to the U.S. since 1995, and is able to take advantage of the competitive edge of exports through long experience in multi-country competition.

In addition, the safety LDS syringe, one of the products Shin-A Yanghaeng produces, is a product to prevent medical staff from getting stuck with a virus after administering the vaccine, and is currently exporting 2.5 million units a month to the United States.

The safety LDS syringe is evaluated to be optimized for COVID-19 vaccination. In fact, the US CDC (American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) recommends the use of a safe LDS syringe for COVID-19 vaccination.

Currently, Shin-A Corporation is maintaining FDA 510K for the US market and CE certification for the European market. The policy is to gradually expand the acquisition of related certifications to expand exports.

CEO Bang said, “In order to export to other countries, it is necessary to obtain certification for each country, so there is a procedural hassle. I know that the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety is considering whether to join the’MDSAP’, a multinational joint certification system. We are planning to expand into multi-countries through the company.”

He added, “For some products, we plan to jointly conduct certifications in China, Japan, Southeast Asia, and South America with buyers.”

Shin-A Yanghaeng currently produces 5 million LDS syringes per month. In response to the recent surge in demand, a new line will be installed in Shin Ahmed, an affiliate, and an additional 5 million units will be produced from June.

The government is currently discussing with the Ministry of SMEs and Startups and the Small and Medium Business Administration on the construction of a’smart factory’ incorporating IT technology to improve productivity and quality. On-site due diligence of the building partners is also planned.

CEO Bang expressed the view that it is necessary to reinforce the base of the special syringe market and provide customized support measures according to the rapid increase in demand.

“In the industry, there is a need for support and training of quality management personnel and linkage of funding programs,” he explained. “The situation may require flexible 52-hour weekly operation due to the recent surge in demand.”

In addition, he said, “The company’s basic policy is to supply good products with good quality at low prices,” he said. “As it has been verified for a long time in the United States, we will continue to maintain thorough quality control and contribute to safe vaccination.”

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