[e글중심] “Kim Eui-gyeom eventually becomes a member of the National Assembly”

Former Blue House spokesman Kim Eui-gyeom speaks at a press conference for candidates running for proportional representatives of the Democratic Party held on the steps in front of the main office of the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of March 22, 2020. [연합뉴스]

Former Blue House spokesman Kim Eui-gyeom speaks at a press conference for candidates running for proportional representatives of the Democratic Party held on the steps in front of the main office of the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of March 22, 2020. [연합뉴스]

Seoul Mayor Kim Jin-ae, the Democratic Party’s candidate, announced today that he will resign from the 21st National Assembly member, saying that he will devote himself to the victory of the unification of Seoul mayor. Candidate Kim’s position as a member of Parliament was succeeded to former Blue House spokesman Kim Eui-gyeom, who received four proportional representations in the general election last April, but failed to enter the National Assembly. Former spokesman Kim resigned as a spokesperson for real estate speculation in March 2019.

Many netizens responded that they were happy with the succession of former spokesman Kim Eui-gyeom. “In the end, he makes real estate speculators like Kim Eui-gyeom a member of the National Assembly.” “Thanks, only Kim Eui-gyeom, who has been waiting for a long time, is excited.” “When Kim Eui-gyeom returns as a member of the lawmaker, it will be noisy for a while, saying that he will put the power of media reform. It is obvious to the eye what kind of calculation would have been made while pushing Kim Eui-gyeom.”

There are also high voices of dissatisfaction with the proportional representation system itself, which takes over the next legislative position when a member of the National Assembly resigns. “Eat their own share.” “You’re eating while you go back.” “If a proportional representative resigns, do not take over, let’s just leave it vacant.” “It means that you will enjoy everything you will enjoy and take one seat and return to each other to become members of the National Assembly. If you don’t like it, you should leave it empty as a vacant seat.

On the other hand, the succession of the proportional representative office is not a’trick’ used only in the current ruling party, and it is also explained that it is a process without problems under the current law. “Don’t you know the case where the two of the lawmakers at Saenuri Party promised to eat each other for a year, but the front runner didn’t come down so they pressed each other and cried? The succession to the vacated proportional representative seats of the National Assembly is not a parachute, a round-off, or an anti-constitution, but is clearly stated in the Public Officials Election Act.”

Some netizens point out the part where Candidate Jin-ae Kim expressed his intention to resign as a legislator and said, “If you go flat, you may lose (in the Seoul mayoral by-election).” In the choice of Candidate Kim, who challenges the mayor of Seoul, there is no consideration for the public welfare of Seoul, and only political intention to gain topicality. “What is the relationship between the succession of proportional representatives as a member of the National Assembly and the unification of the mayor of Seoul, and how does it affect the general public? What are the benefits of being separated from people’s livelihood and having a sense of disparity? Since they pack rice bowls among themselves, ordinary citizens have nothing to do with influence. Rather, it would be refreshing to break half of one’s salary to help the underprivileged.” The e-mail center has collected various thoughts of netizens.

* The e-text center (衆心) contains the meaning of’reading the minds of the Internet public’.
* You can view the original text by clicking on the title of the community post.
* Even if there are short words and slang words, they are quoted as they are in order to be faithful to the original text.

* Centered on yesterday’s e-post ▷ “Aren’t there too many universities?”

“It’s the 4th candidate among those taken by themselves without any qualification test or verification, and in that way, it’s easy to wear the badge of a member of the National Assembly who receives 10 million won per month for a lifetime.”

“It’s the first time I’ve seen a real politician. Congressman Kim Jin-ae is amazing.”

“Isn’t Kim Eui-gyeom a victim? Cheong Wa Dae’s staff raised enormous profits and ran away because they didn’t want to sell their houses, but they donated market profits and couldn’t go to the National Assembly.”

“I don’t know if you have kept the promise you made to donate all. I hope you will do some research because the loan process is so weird after removing everything else.”

“I know that sacrifice is indispensable. It’s really hard to put down what you have.”

“Isn’t that the real modern version of the magician?”

Intern reporter Jang Yoo-kyung

These are issues that are becoming a big topic in the community right now. Click on the title to go to the original text.
