‘Drug charges’ Hwang Hana’s arrest closes in 1 hour (total)

Hana Hwang attending the substantive examination of the warrant

picture explanationHana Hwang attending the substantive examination of the warrant

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Hana Hwang, 33, the granddaughter of Namyang Dairy’s founder, who was investigated by the police for drug use during the probation period, again stood at a crossroads on charges of violating the Narcotics Management Act.

Hwang received an interrogation (warrant substantive examination) before arrest at 10:30 am on the same day at the hearing of a warrant exclusively in charge of warrants for the Seoul Western District Court.

Hwang, who left the court after an interrogation at 11:30 am, quickly moved toward the convoy and said “No” to the reporters’ questions such as “Do you admit the drug administration charges” or “Is you forced my ex-lover to make false statements about drug administration?” I answered briefly and got into the car.

Hwang, who arrived at the court at 9:54 am to attend the interrogation earlier, went straight to the court without saying anything, covering his face with a scarf and mask.

Hwang was prosecuted for taking methamphetamine at homes in Seoul from May to September 2015, and was sentenced to one year in prison and two years probation at an appeal trial in November 2019.The sentence was confirmed and is currently in the probation period. He was previously arrested in April 2019 and released after being sentenced to probation at the first trial.

Hwang is also accused of stealing luxury clothing in November last year. The Seoul Gangnam Police Department is accepting the victim’s statements and finding out the facts. It seems that Hwang’s detention will be decided late afternoon.

Hana Hwang attends court during the probation period

picture explanationHana Hwang attends court during the probation period

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