Dozens of others died on “Myanmar Army Day”… Democratic camp “Military shame day”

Smoke is rising from Tamue-gu, downtown Yangon.  2021.3.27

picture explanationSmoke is rising from Tamue-gu, downtown Yangon. 2021.3.27

On the 27th,’Myanmar Army Day,’ the blood of innocent citizens was sprinkled again across Myanmar.

Dozens of people were killed when military police indiscriminately fired at unarmed citizens who had flocked to the streets, shouting’overthrow the military dictatorship’.

Civilian sacrifices are expected to increase in the future as the military, which showed off its strength through a large-scale military enthusiasm, repeatedly emphasized that it is unacceptable to undermine national stability.

According to local media and foreign media, large-scale street protests criticizing military coups took place in various places in Myanmar, including Yangon, the largest city on the day.

Protesters began protests on the street, calling this day, the Myanmar Army Day, the original name, the Day of Resistance.

The Associated Press reported that Myanmar used its original name to commemorate the day when it began armed resistance against Japanese forces that occupied it during World War II in 1945.

Local media, Irrawaddy, said that the protests on the street were also named’Day of Anti-military Dictatorship’.

Military police responded with indiscriminate shooting.

Irrawaddy reported that eight people had died and at least 18 people were injured before 3 a.m. on the same day in Dala on the outskirts of Yangon.

The media reported that protesters at the time were demanding the release of two women detained the day before.

Soldiers equipped with machine guns on vehicles in the Kyaikto region of Montju.

picture explanationSoldiers equipped with machine guns on vehicles in the Kyaikto region of Montju.

Another local media outlet Myanmar Now reported that at least 10 people were killed in Mandalay Province, including the second cities of Mandalay, Undong, and Maketilla by early afternoon.

Reuters reported that more than one person was killed in the Insein area in Yangon, and there were reports from local media that four people were killed in the eastern Lassio area and Bago area respectively.

In the northeastern Hopin, a passerby who was watching the protests was killed by military and police shooting, Irrawaddy reported.

Myanmar army suddenly stops and fires at a passing motorcycle

picture explanationMyanmar army suddenly stops and fires at a passing motorcycle

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There have been a number of videos accusing the military police of various atrocities, including scenes where the policeman suddenly stopped and fired at a motorcycle passing by in the southern Dawei region.

As the damage of the protesters increased, the Korean American Association of Fun Yanmar issued an emergency notice on the afternoon of that day, urging them to refrain from going out as much as possible and not approaching the protest area even if they went out.

People around him are moving a citizen who was shot in Mandalay.  2021.3.27

picture explanationPeople around him are moving a citizen who was shot in Mandalay. 2021.3.27

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“This is a day of shame for the military,” said a special envoy to the United Nations, appointed by the “Federal Assembly Representative Committee” (CRPH), which acts as a provisional government against the bloody suppression of the military and police, in an online forum.

“The military generals are celebrating Myanmar Army Day after killing more than 300 innocent citizens,” added Sasa’s special envoy.

According to the Myanmar Human Rights Organization Political Offender Support Association (AAPP), as of the day before, 328 people were confirmed to have been victims of military and police violence such as shootings.

Hlaing, Supreme Commander of Myanmar Army, inspects military parade

picture explanationHlaing, Supreme Commander of Myanmar Army, inspects military parade

In the midst of this, in commemoration of the 76th’Myanmar Army Day’, the military mobilized a large number of soldiers and weapons to hold a military parade.

Supreme Commander Min Aung Hlaing warned in a TV speech prior to the fever byeongsik that “violent acts that harm stability and safety are inappropriate and unacceptable.”

Commander Hlaing also repeatedly stated that he would conduct general elections after the emergency, but still did not provide a specific date.

Earlier, the state-run MRTV told the protesters on the report the night before, “You should know that you may be in danger of being shot in the head and back.”


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